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NCR Ranger Outfit Mod


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If someone could make a mod with the NCR Ranger Outfit from the boxcover of New Vegas, that would be so great.


Really the Modelling doesnt look too hard, just take the Regulator Duster as a start, change it up to make it look better (longer coat part. bigger collar type thing, etc.). Then make the gasmask helmet, which wouldnt be too hard to do either. The Gasmask part would actually be the hardest part probly, in my 'no-modding-experience' opinion. lol


The outfit should be darker than the Reg Duster though. Like a Dark Brown Leather texture/color.

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Actually i found a model that could be used for the gas mask/helmet. It looks perfect, but it needs a texture/color change.

But im not really sure what mod its in. Its on a mod that adds headgear to Talon Company Mercs. The headgear is called Talon Merc II Mask, or something like that.

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As you can see, looks great. But the Mask needs to match the outfit more. The Duster needs to be longer, about a foot off the ground. The Collar needs to stick out more and kind come around the front.

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