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How do you disable FCOM's custom bottles


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Is the logo of potion bottles in FCOM really like that, one color with a little bit of shadow? For example, the potion of healing is pure red with slight shadow on the bottom, it really irritates me. Or did I miss some meshes? I tried to drop the bottle and it’s not like the one in vanilla, it looks pretty cool so I’m sure that I installed it correctly. What mod had those bottles is that OOO? I want to disable that and use Alluring Potion Bottles instead… Please help!!
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There is no need of "disabling" them.


Just load Alluring Potion Bottles esp file BEFORE OOO.esp and FCOM.esp file and tag it with GRAPHICS with Wrye Bash. And redo the Bash patch.


This will give them the appareance of Alluring Bottles with the OOO/FCOM effects aplied to them. The best of two worlds!


I use them by this way and everything is OK.


You can do the same with the wine bottles.


Let me know if worked.





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If you load it after OOO.esp and/or FCOM.esp you will loss the EFFECTS made by OOO.


With TES4Edit you can open both OOO and Alluring esp files and apply the OOO effects to the Alluring bottles. Making this Alluring will have OOO as master and everything OK.


I already did this, if someone want the "fixed" ESPs just PM to me with the e-mail address.





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