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The Birth of a Magnus

Chapter two

“But father, what happened to Fire after that? And what about Shock? “”Dear Nova that is another time another place another story. Now run along. It is time to rest”.”Yes father.” She never knew what would happen that day…. Maybe it would have been better for her……huh? What? Oh sorry I got caught in my imagination again. oh Nova……..Oh yes back to the story. As I was saying, she had left to train in her tailoring. She had other ideas. She had gone into the forbidden meadow, where, it is said evil spirits dwell, wrecking havoc on whomever unlucky enough to pass into their domain. Well, she had gone into the forbidden meadow, you see, she never believed in our ways. As I was saying, she gleefully skipped into the meadow, when a booming voice bellowed””Who dares pass into our domain?! “Who was that?”She thought.”Probably just my imagination.” The booming voice angrily repeated “Who dares pass into our domain?!! Answer now or suffer the consequences!!”She was very scared now. Very afraid. “Ok this is definitely NOT my imagination.”She needed a place to hide. But where? Then it hit her.”Under those leaves! But I have to be fast!” So she ran up to the leaves, and hid herself.””What is that? “She wondered. “It does not look like a leaf to me….. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Umph……Where am I?”What is this? Some sort of inscription……. “This is old Thallasian….. Mallanara, Salidra, salamantis Valanara…….Summon the three, Fire, frost, shock…. …..Vasaz, Ganari, Lamanti ………..to create peace where there was chaos…..This sounds like father’s story!” “Yes that would be correct.””huh?! Who said that?!!” ”That would be me. I am Thalaas, High elf; I am the guardian of this cave. You awakened me from my deep slumber, by reading that inscription. And for that, I am truly grateful.””No problem…..”She said, a bit startled.” Do not be afraid. I come in aid to the great hero to save the world from chaos.””What hero? She said confused.” You cannot mean me? I have not saved anything in my life!””Well, this shall be your first then.””But how do you know that it shall be me? I fell down here completely by accident….Do….Do you think it is me?””Only time will tell….Do you know any magic?””Magic? What do you mean by magic?””Like, fireballs, teleportation invisibility, you know magic.” “No I...I don’t…Do you?””Yes. In our time all elves knew magic. Sadly, I am the only one of my kind left.””That’s so sad….What happened?””We….we were overrun by our enemies, lead by Malarei, Lich king. Comment at Will!

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