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Requesting a World State/Character file!


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Ummm, what do you mean?


If you've created a world-state in the Keep with all your choices set the way you want them, then mark that one for use by DAI and start a new game. That's seriously all there is to it. And that's all anyone else would be able to do for you. (And you've already done it... :huh: )


As for your face, you're a better judge of whether it looks "right" than anyone else. And with all the flexibility that the new CC has, you can get it jussssst the way you want it (if you're willing to spend enough time.)

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I don't think you understand how the Dragon Age Keep works. You can't "import" any previous saves or characters. Not really. If you had a player profile stored on the old BioWare sites, The Keep will try to find it and allow you to select one of your characters, but it only grabs certain information: Name, Gender, Race, Class, Origin, and "Portrait" (NOT the facemorph, just the 2-D HUD icon.) You still have to select all your in-game choices (although you'll be offered a set of defaults if you don't want to bother.)


And it's that DA Keep "world-state" that you can save and import to Inquisition.


So even if you've never played DAO or DA2, the difference is about four more mouse clicks to get your world-state to the same point as anyone who did! :laugh:

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Thandal, the thing is that some people can't import choices from keep to game and therfore the only way for them to have their world state is for someone else who can to do it for them and to send them a save file. That is why there are so many of us going around despretly requesting for people who can inport choices from keep to game to create a save file with our world state and to give us save for it.

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Choices made in the Keep affect DA:I in the same way that importing a DAO world-state affected DA2; with acknowledgements of certain past actions through certain dialogues, and the occasional appearance of certain NPCs in certain roles (King Alistair/Queen Anora, for example) to interact with the PC at a few certain points.


What people imagine is the kind of impact that importing a save from DA:O to DA:A, then to GoA, then to WH had.

What people forget is that was basically a single game spread across several installments, with the same PC throughout. :laugh:

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