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Dawnguard & Dragonborn DLC - Missing Textures/Models and Voices


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Hi there, everyone.

I'm having an issue that I was hoping somebody might help me figure out and fix.

You see, I've been experiencing missing textures and voice-acting since I began modding my fresh installation of Skyrim a few days ago. It seems to be an issue only concerning the Dragonborn and Dawnguard DLC's, apart from some minor issues with the mod "Immersive Creatures", but they're not anything game-breaking.

Instead of trying to explain the issue, I'll show you a screenshot of my issue, along with a list of my active mods.




(Stroke of luck, that both of my main issues appeared on the screen simultaneously, huh.)


Since a screenshot won't give this away, I should mention that all Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC-related lines of voice-acting are missing, as far as I can see. Speaking to the messengers from the above screenshot results in text-only dialogue, just as when random guards mention the reform of the Dawnguard.


So, how about it? Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this issue?

By the way, yes, turning off all mods sort of fixed the problem. It just made the messengers from that screenshot not appear at all.


I figured I should also mention that I've had LOOT configure the load order, and also cleared out the dirty plugins with TES5Edit, to no apparent avail.

Edited by WehageDK
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If you are using the stam version of the game,verify the integrity of the game's files.I'd say that Dragonborn.bsa and dawnguard.bsa got damaged somehow.

I mean,this looks like a problem with the game's files,not with the mods.

Edited by PCDug
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  • 1 year later...

Definitely an issue with the DLC files. Verifying with steam or re-installing from disc should fix the issue, as you don't seem to have any mods that change those particular outfits, so the usual suspect (a bad mod) doesn't seem to be the cause.

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  • 5 months later...

Oh forgot to wrote how i solved it :smile:


well i did just delete them and played without DLC's since theres so much mods ,but nothing lasts forever so i did a bit search and i found that my DLC data was empty,they was there but they was empty so there was nothing else from DLC besides the things that unofficial patches added ... downloaded all DLC's again reinstaled and its working .. now i first time play all DLC's cant wai't to get a bit level and try them :smile:


Edit: had exactly same problem like WehageDK in his creen 2 posts up

Edited by kurecore
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