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CM Companions Mounting Horses When You Do...


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Recently I have been looking into writing scripts that will allow a CM Companion to mount a horse when you do. Travelling from one end of Cyrodiil to the other with companions would be faster if you didn't have to stop and wait for your companions to catch up if you're travelling by horse. I was having a look at the "NPC, Horses, and you" tutorial on The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki and even had a go at it earlier, but the script was having a problem with the line "addScriptPackage followOnFoot", telling me it couldn't find said package (I copied and pasted the entire script, so there was no way I could have made a mistake). The tutorial seems ideal for what I'm looking for if I can get by the problem mentioned above, but I was wondering if there was any other way to get a CM Companion to mount horses when the player does. I know there are companions out there that already have these scripts (such as Vilja), so obviously it is possible (though most likely a bit complicated).
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I think the followOnFoot script package is something you need to create on your own and not a vanilla Oblivion package. So when you cut and paste the script from the tutorial it will not work. Hopefully the tutorial describes the custom AI package so you can figure out how to build it and get your script working.


If Vilja has a working script for what you want, you might consider opening up that mod and looking at the scripting. You could look at how the scripts work and make your own with any additions or deletions you needed to make so that the script would work well with your mod.

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