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Fallout Character Overhaul - Unwanted Character Invisibility!


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I have been using Fallout New Vegas Redesigned and Fallout Character Overhaul for a while now. I was playing as a badass looking ghoul from FCO when I saw that the mod had been updated.

I updated the mod and now when I load my game my character is invisible and can't move even with the playable races esp activated.


I have tried to use "showracemenu" but that just crashes my game.

I saw similar couriers who were having the same problem and they were told to first change their character then uninstall and update but how could I have known to do this.

Is there any way you can change your character preset outside of the game?

I was looking into the face ripper mod but that just seems like a way to create new npcs and not change the player character.


Any help would be awesome guys.

Thanks in advance.


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I think you and I may be having the same issue with FCO... Check my post just before yours.


I'm going to try uninstalling it then loading a save. Simple enough. FCO could be the only problem. I also use FO Redesigned but haven't made changes to it recently.


I'll report back in a minute.




P.S.: Nah, FCO isn't the cause. Still stuck in the ground. Also, disregard me using FONV Redesigned. I use NMC's texture pack instead.

Edited by Shellbacker
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