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[REL] House of Philemon Weapons and Armor Shop


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This adds a shop in Anvil where you can buy armor and weapons with a darker theme. I remember Carnithus' Armamentarium with fondness, and while this isn't like that - nothing is - I felt Oblivion needed more darker, sleeker armors.


It has armored irons, capes, and some robes as well as some armor I made by cutting bits in Nifskope. This means the bulky pauldrons are mostly gone, and spiky boots and gauntlets are available separate from that lame Arena cuirass. The Sleepless armor is heavy (the only heavy set) and a velvety green look, while Sleeper armor is a purple glass retex (without the enormous "skirt" piece that looks so bad on female characters). The Serpent and Red Wyrm armors have a snakeskin/dragonskin look in black and red, and the Plague armor is gray and rugged with greenish highlights. The Thirst armor, my personal favorite, is a dark red/mottled color scheme that would be great for vampire characters. Speaking of whom, the shop is open all night, and there's a Sleeper npc who would love to share with you, for those who (like me) feel a little guilty drinking people's blood against their will.


There are some armored robes also. I made this thinking of female characters, who tend not to be flattered by huge pauldrons and bulky hip regions, but it looks really good on male characters also - there are even a couple of items designed just for male characters (wyrm and serpent coats).


This is sort of a 1.0/beta release. I'm calling it beta because I never did get the mp3 voice files to work, and I can't find anyone to help with that. Those files are included in case someone else does - Sawu and I spent so much time recording and tweaking them, I hate to let them go.:) Cleaned through the detail screen in the CS. Let me know if you spot any problems. I'm running it with many other mods, and no compatibility issues so far.









It's here under Armour and Weapons, at least as soon as I get the upload done on my slow computer. It's already up at Elric of Melnibone:



Hopefully it will soon be on Unforgotten Realms as well(still talking to Silmarillion about possible hosting).


Thanks to someone1074 for the cape mesh and Zephranthes for the Complete Dremora look. My sister Sawu helped me record voices, if they ever work:(.

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