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Help getting a Follower in-world.


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Ok.. so after 'finally' managing to get to the point were Creation Kit would 'not' crash on me when i tried opening up what i 'thought' i'd need to make a follower *dances*


I managed to create one based off my own character.. and got her put in-world at the Sleeping Giant Inn.


Or so i thought.


When i go there.. she's nowhere to be found.


In the creation kit render window, it shows her there, she's in the Inn's Interior item list... and sofar as i know, everything else needing to be done has been done (even clicking on the esp file within the mod list for the game).


Anyone know what might be causing her to not show up? Did i miss a step somewhere?






How do i get the Render window for Cell interiors to rotate around?.. all i seem to be able to do is select items and move them.... but i cant seem to find a way to rotate the window itself.

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I can't help you current problem about why it's not rendering. If you placed the actor in the cell and set it's behaviors etc etc it should be there. But I haven't spent a lot of time with the render.


But I can give you some help with your camera problem!


Hold shift. and you can rotate your camera view as such, press mouse three to pan. and move everything around. Check out the Creation kit guide on youtube by bethada. The very first thing they cover is camera usage/ tips and tricks with it. I found that very useful. YOU may even after watching thier guides find out what you missed. I do believe they go over actor placement in dungeons etc and may overlap what your trying to accomplish as well. (REALLY INFORMATIVE) Guide. Best of luck!

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Hmm.. well i managed to figure out what was glitching and keeping me from getting her into the Game.... i think.


Now i have a new problem. i CTD whenever i enter the Sleeping Giant Inn (which is where i stuck her).


So... any thoughts on what could cause a custom follower to cause a CTD when you enter the area they are in?

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double check your scripts.


Start by making a copy of sleeping giant inn, and place her in that instead. Make it a stand alone render cell for testing to keep the game itself clean.


Coc into that cell to start testing.


Check other follower mods that place followers inside the sleeping inn. Try loading up Vilja's esp and going over what other authors did. Often time when I'm trying to do something in creation kit I look at others authors work who did something similar. I usually have an "ooooooh" moment.


I wish I Could be of more help, but well I'm a newbie too.

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