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The Best Quests


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Most of us have finished the quests of Dark Brohood and Thief's Guild. I believe they were epic and the others weren't as awesome as them. I want to extend the quest line of those guilds. But the quests will only be available when the player finished the original quest line. I tried to do it myself with the CS but it was freaking hard. I am here as fiction-maker of quests. I can arrange stages, quest logs, conversations in the quests. But I need someone or two people to take them and create a quest in CS.


So I want to make a team,


  • Me as the fictionist.
  • Another person as a fictionist.
  • A person or two people for works in Construction Set.


If the person who wants to do the works in CS, need assistance we can gather another person for works in CS. Let's call you, Consturctionist, or CSist, or umm... whatever you find that.




Edit: I won't be leader.

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Ummmm, just to prevent unecessary work, for the Dark Brothehood, a mod like this already exists. Its called A Brothehood Renewed and you can find it via the link below:


(it has 164 endorsements).


The basic idea with this mod is to bring the DB questline to a better end, because it annoyed the author how by the end of the questline, all that is left of the once powerful organization are, "you, Arquen, and some lowly random murderer the two of you found." And I futher quote the author, "After all this you're satisfied with visiting Bravil once a week to collect a pittance of cash? Is there nothing more to be done? The story just ends here, like a bad movie?"


Plus, the game gives the player hint of more DB safehavens all across cyrodill, but even when you become the listner, you only know the location of one. So I think this mod also adds more guild halls. But according to the author, "This mod adds a short series of quests", so I guess you could make your mod as an expansion for this mod, that adds more interesting quests. My advice is: don't start from scratch. You may just waste your hard work. Just ask for permission from the author and continue from the end.

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Allright kiefanroy I would be glad if we work together.

alonsomartinez sorry again but what is a TG?

Kayfohatl I guess you are right. But we weren't actually planning to make a diFferent end. As he said we want to continie the serie. Maybe with 5 more fictional great quests.


When the team is done I will ask all of the members their favorite quests. The most fun quests are usually the best so we will try to make sth like those.


Now we have a fictionist, a texturist. We need a construction set quest maker !!!

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