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Change the size of the names under the health bars


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I like having big names for my actors in my mod, both for fun and strategy. Unfortunately some names under the healthbars are a bit harder to read since Skyrim attempts to resize the text to fit. I want to either remove the resizing feature OR set the text to always be a certain size. Anyone knows how to do this? I only want to change the size of the text underneath the healthbars not anywhere else

Edited by Indigoblade
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A bit late to the party but anyway for future reference.. outside of scripting, you're looking at editing hudmenu.swf or hudmenu.gfx (and probably breaking any mod using them). If you're editing in SWiX you're looking for text ID 754 or around that. Unless I missed something (quite possible) the name brackets are absolute b&@*$ if you wanna keep them since they're tweened over 100 frames. The far easier and faster method would be to edit Mardoxx's decompiled .fla file and recompile it (sprite 749).

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