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Skyrim randomly crashes when saving! Help!


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Hello everyone and thanks for giving me your free time to help me with the following issue.


Firstly, I'm not the kind of guy asking without researching beforehand. I've searching on this topic for hours during months without success.


Now, I've been using mods for Skyrim for a long time, my Skyrim game folder weights 49 GB and I managed to run the game perfectly through many optimizations, patches, cleaning, etc.


However, the only CTD I randomly have, is when the game is saving (either manual, auto or through console), for no reason specific reason as it seems to me. Sometimes, I can play for 1 hour or more without crashes. At times, it crashes after 20 minutes of game. Crashes happen aswell indoors as outdoors. There are no un-attached scripts to my save game apparently, which weights around 11 Mb.


I've also tried countless time the "player.kill, then save, then load, etc" trick but to no success.


What should I do ? Do you need me to share logs or the mods I'm using ?


Thank you.



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Hey, thanks for the reply.


I've been using LOOT lately and TESV Edit to clean all the dirty edits.


Eventually, I've decided to re-install Skyrim with mods from scratches to see what's causing the trouble (I have almost 250 mods so it will take lot of time but I guess I have no other choice).

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