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Oblivion Crash Detector


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For a long time, I've been looking for a way to detect which error caused a crash, but it appears that nothing like this exists. Would it be possible to create a program that runs in the background and analyzes Oblivion activity, and when it crashes to report and create a document which shows to exact file errors?


I do run most of the crash prevention additions, but these are only preemptive. If one could pinpoint which exact file caused the overload it would be a lot easier to figure out where it came from and why.


Even better, if it could analyze which mod, and which file within which mod is causing the crash, that would be fantastic.


I found this program AppCrashView but it is only for Windows Vista and Windows 7, and doesn't have any XP support. But that kind of thing is an example of what I mean, but tailored to Oblivion.

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