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Follower limit increase patch for "Follower Mod"


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I am currently planing (and by that I mean actually doing work.. Like downloading and testing mods) ,a new Gameplay and mod (sort of, more like preparing some stuff to aid me and perhaps others, start a new epic gameplay) , that I named Rise of the Dragonborns.

During my mod searching I found a really great mod called "Followers Mod" .



It has all the features I was looking for except one.... The follower limit is set to 5 , where I need 8 for my Dragonborn companions.

Now my PC ,and many others, is capable to support up to 20 followers with no problems at all. (Tested with other mods)

But I only need 8 so if any modder can make a patch to rise that limit from 5 to 8 please help me please! (author of "Followers Mod" seems to be OK with it as he said he won't raise the limit, and if others want more then someone can make a patch)

All credits in my future projects will be given :)

I hope for a positive feedback :)

Edited by HeArTBeaT15
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