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Water problem...


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Okey, so i've installed Oblivion on my Macbook, by using the program Boot Camp.


It's pretty playable with Streamline and such mods, but i have one major problem.


At first, whenever i went outside, i got a CTD. After a while, i tried turning off Water Shader, and it worked, but now all water was turned Purple!


I installed Excors water shader fix(http://oblivionorama.tripod.com/), and the water has a normal colour now.



But, i have two problems now.


First, the water is perfect, and i really dislike it. It's unnatural clean, so you can see the bottom from anywhere and such.


Secondly, whenever i look far out at a large body of water, like the Anvil Coast, i see that the water turns brown-ish, so i have two different kinds of water, and it looks really ugly..



I've tried to download Water mods, but they've done nothing. I guess it's because most Water Mods uses a .esp, while Excors Fix places a new folder into Data/Textures, If i remove Excors Fix, the water turns back purple.



This doesn't make the game unplayable, but i would really appriciate it if anyone could help me, so i could have some nice-looking water instead of the two-coloured i have at the moment:)

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