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I'm pretty sure I followed the right instructions for installing U


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EDIT: Topic title should say UFCOM. Sorry...^_^;;



I dunno what in the world would cause this, but now whenever I try loading the game up, it doesn't even get anywhere before crashing. It'll resize the screen resolution to fit the game, and then revert back to normal. No error message, no nothing. The farthest I've gotten it to go was the middle of the first Bethesda logo on startup.


My Modlist:




Yeaaahhh....it's a lot. >___>. Any help as to what to do here would be much appreciated. I'll provide whatever other necessary information I can.

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If the square thingy in front of a mod is red, that means it is missing a master and will cause crash on start-up, which is exactly what you are experiencing. Turn the "red" mods of (your bashed patch is one of them, simply rebuild that one once you turned all the other red ones off) and see if that works
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