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The College of the Voice


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For any enterprising modders out there, Markarth once had a College of the Voice, founded by Talos help Nords learn the Way of the Voice as a weapon of war. This could be used to great potential for some sort of faction mod, rebuilding the College of the Voice and perhaps helping students learn how to use the Thu'um. It could be similar to Apprentice of the Thu'um in some ways.


What this could include is a dwemer ruin of sorts, once the College, perhaps part of Understone Keep, then rebuilding in into the new College, some custom-voiced NPCs, and a faction. Scaled back by a lot, simply rebuilding it and having "student" NPCs practice would be fun, giving you a sense of accomplishment. This is what I think Skyrim lacked, a sense of "the future seems brighter thanks to my actions".

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