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I think I'm losing interest in gaming.


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I can't seem to find anything out on the market right now for the PS3 or 360, that even interests me. I am so heavily burned out on FPS, and GTA clones, that games like Mafia II, and Modern WF 2 just don't even interest me anymore. The problem, is if you asked me what I was looking for I really couldn't be specific, the last PS3 game that I really enjoyed was Demons Souls, and that game is completely unique. Basically, I have seen about everything there is to see in games, and in order to interest me, they gotta do something original, that hasn't been done before. I find myself replaying more older games, than playing new ones, even though I got the money to buy any new games I want. I'm 28 years old, and I am pretty much burned out on gaming in general. Is it just me or is this console gaming market just alienating my age group?
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Hmm. I can't really recommend you anything since I don't know what you actually like. There are a lot of solid games out there, and I don't think you could have possibly seen everything there is to see. I wouldn't say gaming is alienating your age group; maybe you just aren't looking in the right places.


If you are an avid gamer like I am who likes a lot of different games, try check out GameFAQ.com if you haven't. I'm biased, but maybe you should try fighting games? Bear in mind they aren't pick up and play games.

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It sounds to me that you're only losing interest in is the fetid swamp, that putrid miasma of Run-Shoot-Drive-Shootsomemore that is Console Gaming, my friend. It seems a never-ending stream of mindless video-activity aimed at, for the most part, few people heading toward 30. I would assume it happens to many people...certainly happened to me. I mean, how many basketball/driving/shooting games do we need, really? I got so sick of PS3 and XBOX titles being so lifeless and humdrum that I just stopped playing them. Months could pass before I found anything even slightly interesting (and usually only that, slightly), and I mean That is the crowning achievement of these companies' creative capacities? Pathetic. This is a great example of where blind consumerism and capitalism fails. These people are so hard-on for giving it to the kids in a safe way that they know will sell (a bit, safely) that they all become alike, as if we're in some Communist nightmare.


I mean, just who do they think they are snubbing? I'm 1st generation home console player. Just who do they think has the money for these things, anyway, I say as I type away on my pc? I guess kids have less, but might spend more, especially more for the same flashy drivel, but that's only because intelligent and mature people are more discerning...and their decadent products simply aren't up to snuff.


That is where the Modding Community comes to play. Here they come to save the day, Mighty Modders!


Here is where in the wonderful world of PC gaming, umpteen-thousand modders can come together and add to the games that great companies (like Bethesda, for example) make for us that can be modded and extended, games that give us the possibility to breathe our own life into it. Add to it, and *correct it* as We See Fit.


It's the wave of the future. The intelligent, creative wave, at least. So, my advice is get your pc up to task (assume you already have one, since you're on this forum), put those consoles in a nice place where they will gather dust, and jump into the Modded Game World.

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I just want to add something on here...


Like WizardofAtlantis said, custom game content is really becoming the way of the future. If you don't own a gaming quality PC, try your hand with some console game creativity. I personally like Halo 3's Forge and can't wait for Halo Reach to do the same. If I had a PS3 or PSP, I would be playing LittleBigPlanet. Then gather around, share with friends and enjoy the fun.


As a competitive gamer, I tend to stick with certain games and try to become better, like a sport. But not everyone is that way, and user-created content for certain titles (such as Bethesda's TESIV and Fallout 3) is always continually flowing.


[EDIT] My recommendations for some less obvious games:


-Shadow Complex. Amazing downloadable game; basically the classic Metroid games with a different coat of paint. The gameplay is solid and gorgeous environments. There are also some really dynamic gameplay elements that have been added and differ from that classic game you know and love. Turrets are seldom used and pop you into a 3d shooter kind of mode (no 2D side scrolling here!) and the camera captures close-up angles when it comes to melee attacks. Best of all, there are multiple endings to the game and there are ways to sequence break it if you know how.

-Blazblue Continuum Shift is probably my favorite fighter (unless you count the Smash Bros. series as one.) Unlike Super Street Fighter IV, the cast is varied, well designed and flourishing with personality like Guilty Gear's. The game just seems to excel as a whole. All music is worth a listen outside the game and the environments are colorful and vivid. Also, best English dubbing from a Japanese game I've ever heard since Tales of the Abyss. Everything about it is good gameplay wise (though unforgiving for newbies,) and I understand many may disagree with the lengthy, confusing and wordy storyline. Not to mention it isn't the best written. But still, one of my favorite games on the market now.

-Bayonetta is a ridiculously over the top hack n' slash game that is quite absurd in many ways, though the game does realize it. (It also makes a lot of guest references!) The action scenes could be basically non-existent; the flashiest parts of the game are arguably the gameplay itself. I would say it is more forgiving than Devil May Cry and definitely more than Ninja Gaiden. It is very easy to jump into and tough the master. I was really turned off at first by how absurd the game seemed (I mean...witch whose suit is made out of her own hair, wtf mate?) I learned to overcome it and loved it. Replayability is questionable, but it is a high quality experience.

-Castle Crashers is another game with a bit of ridiculousness involved and recently came out for the PS3. I wouldn't get it without some friends to play with, but undoubtedly one of the best arcade experiences out there. Hand-drawn environments for everything; colorful and animated. The soundtrack is amazing; all music is composed from many talented artists from over at Newgrounds.com. Tons of unlockable characters (that unfortunately are not that much different,) but adds to the replayability. Like some of our older games out there, the levels are simply memorable and worth playing again.


Note: I have to disagree about Just Cause 2 for console...get the PC version if you can for mods. Just Cause 2 gets redundant after a while, but at least a ton of DLC is now available to feed your inner maniac. I have a perfect 1000 gamerscore in that game...I know. But it is a gorgeous game to look at; flying into the sunset has never been more immersive.

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That's because good games are rare these days.


If you want good games, then go for these if you haven't already:


Assassins creed 2

Just cause 2

Bioshock 1 and 2

The Orange box

Mass effect 2

Civilization 4

And Civilization 5 and Portal 2 (These two aren't out yet, but I can tell they will kick ass.)

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It sounds to me that you're only losing interest in is the fetid swamp, that putrid miasma of Run-Shoot-Drive-Shootsomemore that is Console Gaming, my friend. It seems a never-ending stream of mindless video-activity aimed at, for the most part, few people heading toward 30. I would assume it happens to many people...certainly happened to me. I mean, how many basketball/driving/shooting games do we need, really? I got so sick of PS3 and XBOX titles being so lifeless and humdrum that I just stopped playing them. Months could pass before I found anything even slightly interesting (and usually only that, slightly), and I mean That is the crowning achievement of these companies' creative capacities? Pathetic. This is a great example of where blind consumerism and capitalism fails. These people are so hard-on for giving it to the kids in a safe way that they know will sell (a bit, safely) that they all become alike, as if we're in some Communist nightmare.


I mean, just who do they think they are snubbing? I'm 1st generation home console player. Just who do they think has the money for these things, anyway, I say as I type away on my pc? I guess kids have less, but might spend more, especially more for the same flashy drivel, but that's only because intelligent and mature people are more discerning...and their decadent products simply aren't up to snuff.


That is where the Modding Community comes to play. Here they come to save the day, Mighty Modders!


Here is where in the wonderful world of PC gaming, umpteen-thousand modders can come together and add to the games that great companies (like Bethesda, for example) make for us that can be modded and extended, games that give us the possibility to breathe our own life into it. Add to it, and *correct it* as We See Fit.


It's the wave of the future. The intelligent, creative wave, at least. So, my advice is get your pc up to task (assume you already have one, since you're on this forum), put those consoles in a nice place where they will gather dust, and jump into the Modded Game World.


Ok, so it isn't just my own biased opinion, gaming really has gone down a **** hill. PC gaming is the only refuge left.


I do got Morrowind/Oblivion/DAO/FA3, but am a bit burned out of those at the moment.


I think I am starting to understand why some old farts play solitaire. I used to think, how does anyone play that? Its the most boring and pointless game. Fact is, it is about as interesting of a game as it gets for them. Maybe I am heading down that road. 5-10 years from now I will be vegging out on a game of solitaire.

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Modern WF 2 just don't even interest me anymore


You didn't say that, did you?

:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:


Modern Warfare 2 or the series as a whole, has never caught my attention. Don't get me wrong, they aren't bad games, but they are just not my gaming style. IMAO. :laugh:

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