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Leisure Tourists - Why the Hate?


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Ah times change Balagor. We still use "mate" sometimes but Australian slang is a dying breed by the looks of it these days (at least in my point of view). The only times I heard mate is with bus drivers, construction and tradies. Australia is now more cosmopolitan than 30 years ago and people (especially the young) are more assimilating to European and American lifestyles rather than using Australian culture. How times change.
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I like tourists when they remain exactly that ... tourists.

It's when they decide to stay that I get a bit off with them ... during the World Cup Soccer here in ZA, we had over 4,000,000 so-called tourists from Zimbabwe

who were going to leave after the soccer ended ... guess what ?

Most of them decided to stay ... have you been watching the news and seeing what problems we've been having with the Trade Unions in our country ?


Most companies are hiring cheap labor - the tourists - and the locals are being paid peanuts, hence their screaming and shouting.


However, in your case, at least realise that your economy is pumping because of the money they bring ... and as long as they obey the law, that should be fine.

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I might do that too, when I get old. Nice sun all the year. Do you have easy jobs for old men, LOL :D

But I see your problem when the tourists don´t go home. At least they are not tourists anymore. Look at the bright side. :tongue:

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I might do that too, when I get old. Nice sun all the year. Do you have easy jobs for old men, LOL :D

But I see your problem when the tourists don´t go home. At least they are not tourists anymore. Look at the bright side. :tongue:



There's nothing bright about it Balagor we've got to put up with the worst kind of crazies you can imagine ... how's this for a fact ... a man was being operated on

and the strikers burst into the operating theater and ordered all the nurses out, the two doctors almost lost the patient :nuke: ... not to mention the countless number

of pregnant women about to give birth who were turned away by the strikers ... I wont continue :down:


Hey I'll give you a job ... food is good, salary is decent and you get to put up with me and my girls and our cr*p ... lmao.

When the World Cup was here, apparently a little camp for the Dutch supporters was setup just outside Pretoria, the train stopped

at the camp just for them, the cops on the train turned a blind eye while they got so stoned out of their bracket that their couldnt tell Jan Van Riebeeck apart from

Jan Van Der Merwe (local joke) ... they had one fat jol (good time), spent their money and left ... thank you ...


See, they went away, what nice tourists ;D

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