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Guardians of Iskra


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Welcome to the recruitment/OOC thread of my brainchild - Guardians of Iskra. Please keep any and all OOC comments, questions and discussions here and not in the RP thread.

*RP thread is here.*


GoI is a fantasy RP, situated in the single continent planet called Iskra. The continent covers slightly over half the planet's surface and is rife with a wide array of colorful landscapes such as plains, forests, deserts, mountains, canyons and ice-bound lands. One of Iskra's most stricking features is the numerous flying islands that pepper both dry land and the ocean. The gem in the center of it all is The Capital, the largest city in Iskra. The many landscapes (incluing the floating lslands) are dotted with smaller cities, towns and villages. Transport to the air-borne islands is achieved in two ways. Either sky ships, powered by magic, or portals.


Now for some rules. To start off, here are the general guidelines, written by Lisnpuppy


1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else.

2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you.

3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.

4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.

5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others.

6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.

7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers.

For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.

Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.

This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is.

8 )Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.

9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything!

10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.






If need be, I'll add more rules later on.


Here's an example character sheet:













Edited by spyro1201
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Name: Muireann

Race: Ice Nereid

Age: 25

Class: Arcane Huntress

Appearance: Muireann is tall, slim and graceful, standing just under six feet in height. Her smooth, satiny skin is a pale blue-silver, which shimmers and glitters slightly in the sunlight. Her snow-white hair is long, past her waist in length, and perfectly straight, always kept neatly combed either straight back from her face or pulled into a ponytail. Muireann has soft features - an oval face, a slender turned-up nose, large almond-shaped eyes, small pointed ears, and shapely-yet-small lips. Her eyes are solid silver, just like all members of her kind, which many other races find unnerving; this feature, coupled with the fact that she rarely blinks, gives her an almost statue-like quality. Her eyelashes are long and white, natural frost lingering on their tips.

Armor/Clothing: Muireann wears a combination of armor and clothing. Ice blue silk robes grace her slender frame, consisting of many layers of fabric that swish and flutter with every movement. They are cut for riding and more strenuous activities, however, revealing dark blue leggings and silver armored boots underneath. Silver bracers guard her forearms, and a silver breastplate is worn atop the robes. When anticipating battle, Muireann wears an open-faced, crested silver helm. All of the metal pieces are engraved with snowflake and hoarfrost motifs, and the robes are embroidered likewise along the seams.

Weapon: Muireann's weapon is a six-foot-long silver spear, which causes minor frostbite wherever it strikes; if underwater, it can cause ice formation. In addition, Muireann has a variety of water-related spells available to her, mostly involving the transmutation of liquid into frozen or thawed states. Once per forty-eight-hour period, if she is surrounded by water deeper than twenty feet, she can transform into a small orca whale.

Personality: Muireann could be called cold and calculating, and this description would be an accurate one most of the time. However, the nymph is also fiercely protective and loyal to a fault. As a creature of nature, she considers herself a guardian of everything within her domain - which includes friends, acquaintances, associates, or anything and everything to which she develops an attachment. All of these "belong" to her, if she so desires, and she treats all of them equally. She is slow to anger but quick to disappoint; it is easy for her to dismiss those who do not measure up to her unspoken standard of approval.

History: Muireann is an Ice Nereid, a subrace of water nymphs, originating from the frigid northern seas of Iskra. Their kind are rare, but not unheard of, though they mostly keep to themselves. These nymphs have been known to aid ice fishermen and northern villagers from time to time, but they are content to manage the cold waters away from prying eyes. With the ability to breathe underwater and live in sub-freezing temperatures, the nymphs have created an underwater ice kingdom where the females of their species reign supreme. It is from this kingdom that Muireann has come, seeking knowledge of the land races. Despite her distant nature, she has an insatiable curiosity regarding everything not related to her own kind.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Guess it's time for my characters. Please forgive the vagueness. Was never good at descriptions.


Name: Monksley von Harwich

Race: Human

Age: 46

Class: Archer

Appearance: Monksley is roughly 6 feet tall. He sports a medium lenght dark grey beard, and a balding cranium.

Armor/Clothing: Often wears chaimail with a blank tabbard over and leather bound boots. He also carries around a very old silver ornate tankard that he claims is a family heirloom, and enchanted....and cursed....he says a lot of things about his tankard when you think about it.


Weapon: His trusty bow and quiver are tied to his back and has a shortsword in a scabbard tied to his belt.

Personality: Due to his near permanent state of tipsyness, Monkley tends to be a big agressive...to his enemies only, though. He thoroughly enjoys company, though those feelsings often tend to be one-sided.

History: Monksley was born on the battlefield. Literally. His parents lived in a relatively small village in the northern regions of Iskra. One day, a massive bandid raid rendered the city defenceless, isolated and under the control of the bandits for about a month, during which there were multiple counter attacks from the locals, including Monksley's parents who were both guards. Mrs von Harwich had the misfortune of going into labor during yet another revolt (which was successful).


Monksley has had a fancy for archery sice he was a young lad. His father wanted him to be a guardsman, just like himself, but the boy ultimately decided on adventuring.




Name: Markus Zemya

Race: Human

Age: 63

Class: Dragon Knight / Swordsman

Appearance: Markus is tall and somewhat burly. Despite his old age, it's clear to the eye that he's not at all weak and frail. His grey hair and short beard cover his wrinkled face.

Armor/Clothing: Markus wears a suit of steel plate armor with a dark green trimp along the edges and almost entirely covered by battle scars, though still in good condition.

Weapon: A long steel claymore with a dark green hilt in the shape of two coiled tree branches, with a diamond shaped emerald imbeded in the middle of it, on both sides. Additonally, he also has his Dragon Knight Earth powers, allowing him near total control of the ground and the plantlife around him

Personality: Markus has a very calm and serious demeanour. Does not like to beat around the bush and avoids small talk if possible. He is, however, loyal to his friends and alies.

History: Markus was abbandoned by his parents at birth and lived at an orphanage for most of his early childhood. He never liked it there. All the bigger kids bullied him, the matron never really cared for the children all that much, so you can imagine how relieved he was when his 18th birthday came along. He spent his last few years at the orphanage preparing for the day he would leave that little slice of hell. He went off into the wilderness to live on his own. At first it was realy tough for him, but he eventually learnt how to be patient. After some time, he went back to civilization and took up sword fighting, it was one of his childhood dreams. Back at the orphanage he read many a books about knights and their epic tales.


Years later he was an accomplished swordsman and much to his suprise, he was eventually chosen to be part of the Dragon Knight Order. Not many are given this opportunity. Some train and prepare all their lives and never get chosen, some barely start off and are already part of the Order. Nobody outside the order knows what the criteria is for getting chosen. Some even speculate than even some of the knights don't know either; that there are these "elders" that say who gets to join and who doesn't, but that's just rumour...or is it?



As the boss around here, I hereby abuse my power, and grant myself a stamp of approval. Please direct any and all objections and complaints to your doctor.

Edited by spyro1201
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, Stew, I think I'll join up as well. I'll just need a day or so to come up with a character (I'm spending time making up a background for his race, one I hope you'll like). I'll pm the details later before posting.


Looking forward to this. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh boy, sorry it took so long, but I has it done! :D


Name: Scath (pronounced “SHKAH”)



Race: Nighthaunt


Age: Unknown


Class: n/a


Appearance: The nighthaunt calling himself Scath has a bestial appearance, with a

haunched, gangly-limbed figure and a thick hide dark-as-midnight. Despite being

partially bent-over, Scath is still stands at an intimidating 7 feet tall, and

possesses a surprising agility for such a lumbering creature. Several spine-like

tendrils stream losely from the back of his near-wolflike head. Hardened claws extend

from hands large enough to engulf a man's head. Though savage-looking at first, a

pair of dark, golden cateyes convey an ancient human-like cunning upon closer



Armor/Clothing: Scath does not comprehend the concept of clothing fully, and so does not wear any. His thick, leathery hide has been protection enough over the years, able to turn aside some blows, so he does not wear armor, either. However, it does

protect against everything, so to compensate he relies more on overwhelming offense, ambushes, and agility to protect himself.


Weapon: Scath has his claws, fangs, and ungodly strength for fighting, and does not need anything else. When able, though, he will use his surroundings to his advantage, using traps or even throwing pieces of the terrain itself as weapons. On occasion, he has managed to summon a cloud of darkness around him that only he could see in, which he uses to disorient opponents. Scath doesn't have a full understanding of how this ability works yet, however, and thus has not mastered it.


Personality: Scath's personality, if it can be called that, could be considered blunt, pragmatic, and at times brutal, but not without reason; He has no qualms about ripping someone in half, but if a single, quiet talon across the throat would be more prudent, he would do so. He is surprisingly even-tempered (patient, cautious hunters get the prey, after all), but, like any animal, once riled he will show a very angry (and very dangerous) side. When it comes to the other races, he sees them all equally the same; ignorant prey that can be very dangerous and not to be underestimated. He'll leave others alone, however, so long as he is left alone.


History: Nighthaunts (as most other races call them) are particularly dangerous and fear-inspiring creatures of Iskra. Though very limited in number (as they have been hunted to some great extent), their ability to adapt to nearly any every environment, no matter how hostile, and their terrifying hunting prowess, has allowed them (or legends of them) to be found in nearly every corner of the continent.


Depending on their environment, these predators have been known by other names (seahaunts, icehaunts, sandhaunts, etc.), though all are nighthaunts. This name originates from old folklore, where they often referred to as monsters that stalk the night, as these creatures hunted at night, and with their hunts, they brought fear and death. Whenever one become particularly violent and rampage across country sides, it

is not unheard of for lords and adventurers gather in the dozens to organize a great hunt, to put down the beast terrorizing everyone. Because of this, and their terrifying abilities, nighthaunts have become a source of glory of sorts for those that would aspire to heroism and tales of bravery in defeating such a "monster," and many a fool has died in pursuing a fine trophy of one of these legendary creatures.


Scath is one such famed "monster" of legend, being known locally as the "Dorchadas go Gais" (literally, "Darkness that Stalks") because of the way he hunts those that try to invade his haunt, and has supposeedly killed dozens, and even hundreds, of people, in his forest, those traveling the countryside, and even in town (thus why the nearest town has had a large wall built, every door barricaded, and some of the most vigilant

guards around). Many hunts for this beast have been organized... and all have failed. The latest one had nearly two-score men, and after entering the dark forest known as Scáthaitheand with promises of victory, only a small handful returned. All were badly wounded and crazed, crying about the deadly traps, the ambushes, and of shadows appearing and a deep monstruous voice roaring as it killed them, and how the evil in that forest was vastly more intelligent and malicious than any animal ever could be. Thus has it been for several centuries, yet every now and then, more would-be heroes risk their lives in the Shaded forest.


In reality, Scath (for that is how he considers himself) has never left Scáthaithe, preferring instead to hunt other beasts in his forest home (those killed outside of it have been killed by other nighthaunts, banndits, and beasts mistaken for them), and, though a predator, he tends to avoid the other races if possible, and actually keeps younger nighthaunts nearby in check. As to how such a beast became intelligent, a fact unknown to the races of Iskra (and most nighthaunts) is that nighthaunts who live long enough eventually develop humanoid intelligence (though fairly limited in comparison) and more magical abilities. Scath is one of these ancient beings, having lived long enough to awaken fully (and survived enough fights to keep his wits sharp), and has even managed to roughly learn how to speak.


As one of the few ancients of his race, Scath has taken it upon himself to keep any of his younger kin from becoming too wild, in the hopes that they will eventually awaken themselves (and keep their savage selves from getting killed, in his opinion). However, something in the earth is going wrong. The natural order is being disturbed, and, as beasts of nature, Scath has observed, the nighthaunts are being affected as well; a nighthaunt on the verge of "dúisigh" (as he calls awakening) instead went mad one night and went on a rampage, after which it was summarily hunted down and killed. Since then, Scath has become concerned, and has felt a strange calling from within, and so, for the first time in centuries, the Dorchadas go Gais has left his haunt...



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