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Iron Sights help


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I recently made a small mod for myself making a high power assault rifle and sawnoff shotty. For some reason they don't work with ironsights. Does anybody know what options i need to change to make them work properly with Ironsights.


Also, is there a mod that raises all of the damage dealt by all weapons only for the player by a substantial ammount. i found a couple but i still felt people were taking to many shots to die.



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...For some reason they don't work with ironsights. Does anybody know what options i need to change to make them work properly with Ironsights....


You have to clear (uncheck) the box next to "Don't use 1st person IS anims" or something very similarly phrased. It's in the Art tab in the GECK or under Flags1 (I think) in FO3Edit. Assuming you are using an iron sights mod, that will center the weapon, more or less, while aiming.

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