newabandon Posted September 14, 2010 Share Posted September 14, 2010 Hey all! I was wondering if anyone could help me with the installation of a few of the major overhauls! First things first my version of oblivion is shivering isles fully updated no extra DLC, i have wrye bash and python installed as well as BOSS. I want to know is installation order important? and is the installation order i have listed below right? the following mods are the ones i want to install, installed in the order they are listed: Unofficial Official Oblivion Patch v3.2 Omod ( should i instal even with overhauls?)Qarl's TP3 full v1.3 OmodQTP3_UOP 3.2 compatibilty patch OmodOOO v1.33 Omod (since i will be using Frans main package do i choose not to install living economy from this mod?) (and if i install body mod after selecting the no ption for body mod here, will this cause conflicts? and should i install the body mod before the overhaul's and select the yes option?) OOO v1.34 Beta patch Omod MMM 3.7MMM 3.7B3MMM invisible lich packMart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.espMart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.espMart's Monster Mod - Less Bone Loot.espMart's Monster Mod - Vindasel.espMart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.espMart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.espFran's 4.5 main Package with these components:--Shivering Isles Version --Lyrondor's Combat Behavior--MOBS --Hardcore Loot --Living Economy --Optional Leveled Guards' --'Optional Chance of More Enemies'--'Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies' --'Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses' --New Items Add-On' --Cell Respawn Time --Day Length Rescale Fran's 4.5addon package:--BSA file registration--'New items add-on'Oblivion War CryOblivion War Cry v1.085 PatchBob's ArmoryCobl 1.72Tamreiel's travelers 139cBetter cities 4.5.1 (should i install these even with the Overhauls or leave out?, and if leave in load after the overhauls or before?)Better cities resources 4.5.1FCOM convergenceRAEVWD 1.7RAEVWD 1.7 SIRealistic LevelingDeadly Reflexes Any help would be greatly appreciated, the list above closely resembles load order, except overhauls and FCOM will be ordered as in FiveFries FCOM cheat sheet. the main things i want to know is should i install UOP 3.2? QTP3? or better cities? When to install body mod? and when to install UOP3.2, QTP3, and better cities. And whether to instal living economy with OOO or Fran's. And if i need to change a selection in one of the omods (OOO for example with living econmies as i have already put this in) can i just deactivate and reactivate the single omod, or do i have to do this to all in order of installation (reverse to deactivate then forward to activate?) Im cuurently up to installing MMM, and would like to know some of these before i spend more time on another re-install :) New_Abandon^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlfredTetzlaff Posted September 14, 2010 Share Posted September 14, 2010 Hi, This should answer most, if not all Questions :-) Regarding QTP3, i had to remove it because my game crashed a lot with those textures installed. It was not a performance Issue, just became very unstable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArmeniusLOD Posted September 15, 2010 Share Posted September 15, 2010 Here is my BAIN package list. Packages that have a higher number take precedence over those with lower numbers: in other words, install any applicable packages in the order they appear. I highly recommend using Wrye Bash and BAIN because it's easy to fix your installation when anything goes wrong. The Anneal function is particularly handy. Bain Packages: 000 - ==Last== 001 - ==ORIGINAL FILES== ++ 002 - Original Resources.7z (1C202127) (Installed) ++ 003 - Original Meshes.7z (5AF3D533) (Installed) ++ 004 - Original Music.7z (A2968FB1) (Installed) ++ 005 - Original Shaders.7z (97CFE133) (Installed) ++ 006 - Original Video.7z (4667CAE3) (Installed) 007 - ==OFFICIAL PLUGINS== ++ 008 - Official Plugins.7z (C6CD8605) (Installed) ++ 009 - Official Plugins-Cleaned.7z (5AAF7EC5) (Installed) ++ 010 - Original Shivering Isles Meshes.7z (2791B51F) (Installed) 011 - ==PyFFI - OFFICIAL PLUGINS== ++ 012 - PyFFI-Optimized Oblivion Meshes.7z (8E737D59) (Installed) ++ 013 - PyFFI-Optimized Knights of the Nine Meshes.7z (7AB86A53) (Installed) ++ 014 - PyFFI-Optimized Shivering Isles Meshes.7z (30DB5B51) (Installed) ++ 015 - PyFFI-Optimized Fighter's Stronghold Meshes.7z (5719120C) (Installed) ++ 016 - PyFFI-Optimized Frostcrag Spire Meshes.7z (40C68530) (Installed) ++ 017 - PyFFI-Optimized Horse Armor Meshes.7z (CE41E249) (Installed) ++ 018 - PyFFI-Optimized Orrery Meshes.7z (F1FE6591) (Installed) ++ 019 - PyFFI-Optimized Thieve's Den Meshes.7z (FB872BBB) (Installed) ++ 020 - PyFFI-Optimized Vile Lair Meshes.7z (CE27D00E) (Installed) 021 - ==UTILITIES== ++ 022 - Streamline 3.1+Patch-10400.7z (6762CF2D) (Installed) 023 - ==UNOFFICIAL PATCHES== ++ 024 - Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2.0-5296.7z (BCBA7B56) (Installed) ++ 025 - Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental v3.3.0-27710.7z (D305D0F3) (Installed) ++ 026 - Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1.4.0-10739.7z (79CE866D) (Installed) ++ 027 - Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch v1.4.0-Cleaned.7z (13F6100F) (Installed) ++ 028 - Unofficial Official Mods Patch v15-9969.7z (59895567) (Installed) ++ 029 - Unofficial Official Mods Patch v15-Cleaned.7z (1AA06DB2) (Installed) ++ 030 - KotN UOMP Hotfix-27710.7z (B213EDDF) (Installed) 031 - ==FCOM - Overhauls== ++ 032 - Francesco's Leveled Items-Creatures 4.5b.7z (71D62A30) (Installed) ++ 033 - Francesco's Leveled Items-Creatures Patches-17621.7z (E60DDCD5) (Installed) ++ 034 - Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.33-15256.7z (01C01D0F) (Installed) ++ 035 - Optimized OOO 1.33 Meshes-23202.7z (B61582B5) (Installed) ++ 036 - Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.34 Beta Patch 5-15256.7z (316172B2) (Installed) ++ 037 - Optimized OOO 1.34b5 Meshes-24511.7z (FE2EEE99) (Installed) ++ 038 - Shivering OOO-12061.7z (57EFA4E7) (Installed) ++ 039 - OOO-Better Priced Clutter-29633.7z (103F98E7) (Installed) ++ 040 - Oblivion WarCry.7z (0FBEC1C6) (Installed) 041 - ==FCOM - Items== ++ 042 - Bob's Armory.7z (1E222C0B) (Installed) ++ 043 - Loth's Blunt Weapons-12939.7z (E14D8906) (Installed) ++ 044 - Armamentarium Complete 1.35 Resources-18417.7z (0C563558) (Installed) ++ 045 - Armamentarium Complete 1.35-18417.7z (003AAA54) (Installed) ++ 046 - Artifacts-25309.7z (0B00B6EA) (Installed) 047 - ==FCOM - MART'S MONSTER MOD== ++ 048 - Martigen's Monster Mod 3.7 Beta Patch 3-17784.7z (93C3117C) (Installed) ++ 049 - MMM Diverse Water Life Update.7z (5FDE93E5) (Installed) ++ 050 - MMM DLCHorseArmor Slofs Compatibility.7z (A8106048) (Installed) 051 - ==COMMON OBLIVION== ++ 053 - Common Oblivion-21104.7z (BFECAEE3) (Installed) ++ 054 - Cobl Loot-Drop-Merchant Changes Proposal-21104.7z (A95C9B6F) (Installed) ++ 055 - MMM-Cobl Update.7z (9478B271) (Installed) 056 - ==RACE BALANCING PROJECT== ++ 057 - Ren's Beauty Pack-4431.7z (CCC4CECC) (Installed) ++ 058 - Race Balancing Project - Installation Files.7z (FD601B18) (Installed) ++ 059 - Race Balancing Project.7z (85D5F867) (Installed) 060 - ==FCOM - Plugins== ++ 061 - FCOM Convergence Beta 9.9.7z (FC19131A) (Installed) ++ 062 - FCOM Entropic Order Rebalance.7z (7EB6028A) (Installed) ++ 063 - UFCOM.7z (62B956CB) (Installed) ++ 064 - FCOM WarCry 1.09.7z (4B541396) (Installed) 065 - ==MOBS== ++ 066 - OMOBS-28537.7z (EB1E2FED) (Installed) ++ 067 - Updated Official DLC MOBS-19203.7z (A994051E) (Installed) 068 - ==FCOM - Quests== ++ 069 - Blood & Mud Dirt Deluxe Anglais-12016.7z (F14368A3) (Installed) ++ 072 - Mighty Umbra-13398.7z (D0ADE027) (Installed) ++ 073 - The Mysteries of the Dulan Cult v1.3-7663.7z (630B4DB0) (Installed) ++ 074 - Ungarion's Memoirs 1 - The Welkynd Sword v1.5-4969.7z (92E1364E) (Installed) 075 - ==FCOM COMPATIBLE - ITEMS== ++ 076 - KD Circlets OOO Optimized-10670.7z (4F953134) (Installed) ++ 077 - Maltz's Fran Lvl 30 Armor Add-on-15411.7z (38C9F425) (Installed) ++ 078 - Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader-24320.7z (FF84266E) (Installed) ++ 079 - Unofficial Fran Armor Add-on-11483.7z (6EAFF856) (Installed) 080 - ==GAMEPLAY== ++ 081 - Alternate Vampirism-34309.7z (75F47DFE) (Installed) ++ 082 - Armorer's (F8305FD8) (Installed) ++ 083 - Dude Where's My (33F64B70) (Installed) ++ 084 - Enchantment Restore Over (85AB7925) (Installed) ++ 085 - Grandmaster of Alchemy-16441.7z (813ECB56) (Installed) ++ 086 - Legendary Abilities-19245.7z (7208EA8B) (Installed) ++ 087 - No Psychic (BA62F84A) (Installed) ++ 088 - PiiiP - Enhanced Grabbing-19847.7z (3837B5D7) (Installed) ++ 089 - Quest Award Leveller-13536.7z (9ED3C3EC) (Installed) ++ 090 - Reneer's Guard (E926EF1A) (Installed) ++ 091 - Stealth Overhaul-6359.7z (5A61BA55) (Installed) ++ 092 - Stealth Overhaul Cobl-29632.7z (E7103132) (Installed) ++ 093 - Stealth Overhaul (DD58FD8F) (Installed) ++ 094 - Willful (59F0B5CF) (Installed) 095 - ==NEW BUILDINGS== 097 - ==COMPANIONS & NPCs== ++ 098 - Better Inns and New Home Owners-29333.7z (906F76FA) (Installed) ++ 099 - Better Inns Patches-29333.7z (53494FAD) (Installed) ++ 100 - Mannimarco Revisited-14200.7z (A4650D2D) (Installed) ++ 101 - Populated Prisons-25232.7z (8223E996) (Installed) ++ 102 - Tamriel Travellers-4387.7z (3B7FC23F) (Installed) ++ 103 - Tamriel Travellers Cosmetic Cobl or RBP.7z (75E51E5E) (Installed) ++ 104 - Tamriel Travellers Horse Textures-16407.7z (7A376E4E) (Installed) ++ 105 - Travellers Belt-4387.7z (E81BDBD9) (Installed) ++ 106 - Tamriel Travellers Advscript.7z (7D25458A) (Installed) 107 - ==QUESTS== 130 - ==ITEMS== ++ 131 - Xiamara's New Amulets-13360.7z (1702AD0C) (Installed) ++ 132 - Xiamara's New Amulets - OOO, FCOM-24432.7z (2F8C2632) (Installed) 133 - ==QARL'S TEXTURE PACK== ++ 135 - Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized.7z (F410216B) (Installed) ++ 136 - Qarl's Texture Pack 3 Redimized Patch.7z (7779A018) (Installed) ++ 137 - Optimized QTP3 Meshes - Fixed-26756.7z (8A16159E) (Installed) ++ 138 - QTP3 UOP32 Compatibility Patch-11261.7z (0874F2FA) (Installed) ++ 139 - QTP - Better Tiling Textures-6996.7z (4721AEEE) (Installed) ++ 140 - Qarl's LOD Large Uncompressed Normal Maps.7z (0D9E01BB) (Installed) ++ 141 - BTQ Landscape LODs-7212.7z (449A0390) (Installed) ++ 142 - Shaja - Landscape LOD Textures (Border Regions)-2210.7z (8E19C19B) (Installed) ++ 143 - Koldorn's LOD Noise Replacer-9952.7z (9ED86CE6) (Installed) ++ 144 - Blood & Mud - Qarl's Textures-12029.7z (432758E9) (Installed) ++ 145 - Bomret's Texture Pack - Shivering Isles-25378.7z (C2134828) (Installed) 146 - ==UNIQUE LANDSCAPES== ++ 147 - UL - Ancient Yews-11458.7z (37F1FFDD) (Installed) ++ 148 - UL - Arrius Creek-16818.7z (01513E8E) (Installed) ++ 149 - UL - Ancient Yews and Arrius Creek Patch-16818.7z (E433DF5B) (Installed) ++ 150 - UL - Aspen Wood-28763.7z (921ADC4E) (Installed) ++ 151 - UL - Beaches of Cyrodiil - Lost Coast-14720.7z (8AC2FD6C) (Installed) ++ 152 - UL - Blackwood Forest-25799.7z (B28B9519) (Installed) ++ 153 - UL - Bravil Barrowfields-20426.7z (068EBA96) (Installed) ++ 154 - UL - Brena River Ravine-23573.7z (625419E4) (Installed) ++ 155 - UL - Cheydinhal Falls-27494.7z (4CB1C17D) (Installed) ++ 156 - UL - Chorrol Hinterland-11189.7z (D7FCACA6) (Installed) ++ 157 - UL - Cloudtop Mountains-16677.7z (9A002649) (Installed) ++ 158 - UL - Colovian Highlands-15511.7z (0BEDF692) (Installed) ++ 159 - UL - Entius Gorge-7037.7z (E6B71A29) (Installed) ++ 160 - UL - Fallenleaf Everglade-17562.7z (F32544B0) (Installed) ++ 161 - UL - Imperial Isle-9531.7z (1E0A7B3F) (Installed) ++ 162 - UL - Panther River-20332.7z (9B75A6AA) (Installed) ++ 163 - UL - River Ethe-17330.7z (E3375CC7) (Installed) ++ 164 - UL - Rolling Hills-10768.7z (D00AFADF) (Installed) ++ 165 - UL - Skingrad Outskirts-29948.7z (177C0C0C) (Installed) ++ 166 - UL - Snowdale-33125.7z (1716C307) (Installed) ++ 167 - UL - Stendarr Valley-7054.7z (DBE16D63) (Installed) ++ 168 - UL - The Dark Forest-11162.7z (30D9654B) (Installed) ++ 169 - UL - The Great Forest - Ancient Redwoods-11163.7z (85C50DD9) (Installed) ++ 170 - UL - The Great Forest - Lush Woodland-11164.7z (6C5C3EF5) (Installed) ++ 171 - UL - The Heath-11165.7z (571EBD56) (Installed) ++ 172 - UL LOD AC+CF+EG+RH-27495.7z (EE47BE93) (Installed) 174 - ==ATMOSPHERE== ++ 175 - All Natural-18305.7z (6C194C7F) (Installed) ++ 176 - All Natural 0.9.9 Fix Pack v2-18305.7z (04E20CDC) (Installed) ++ 177 - Beaming Sunglare (9E70696E) (Installed) ++ 178 - Better Cities Resources-16513.7z (3FA42A33) (Installed) ++ 179 - Better Cities-16513.7z (5525CCAC) (Installed) ++ 180 - BC-Warcry(skeleton)patch.7z (80A139FC) (Installed) ++ 181 - Better Night Sky-2234.7z (602B7A77) (Installed) ++ 182 - Cities Alive At Night-11434.7z (5DAB7953) (Installed) ++ 183 - Clocks of Cyrodiil-11778.7z (D179B0E8) (Installed) ++ 184 - Clocks of Cyrodiil Texture Replacer by SNG-20530.7z (3E7ABDD8) (Installed) ++ 185 - Detailed Terrain Beta II-15245.7z (2B4D17FF) (Installed) ++ 186 - Enhanced Water-8011.7z (022A9337) (Installed) ++ 187 - Enhanced Water - SI (HD) v2.0-17345.7z (6707581C) (Installed) ++ 188 - Harvest Flora-2037.7z (9DD13311) (Installed) ++ 189 - More Immersive Sound Edited-19038.7z (ECEEFF64) (Installed) ++ 190 - Real Lava v1.3-6854.7z (A6E09306) (Installed) ++ 191 - Real Night Sky (0281F4A9) (Installed) ++ 192 - Realistic Fire-25655.7z (1722E532) (Installed) ++ 193 - Storms & Sound-8711.7z (DAC42E2F) (Installed) ++ 194 - Storms & Sound Patches-8711.7z (A5A2E3C3) (Installed) 195 - ==ANIMATED WINDOW LIGHTING SYSTEM== ++ 196 - Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes-19628.7z (BC447862) (Installed) ++ 197 - AWLS - Brumbek Mixed Textures-19628.7z (55868814) (Installed) ++ 198 - AWLS - Illumination Within Textures-19628.7z (616DD5C3) (Installed) 199 - ==BODY REPLACERS== ++ 200 - Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeletons-27945.7z (866BFD88) (Installed) ++ 201 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4-14942.7z (E8E5BCCA) (Installed) ++ 202 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v5-25365.7z (1B0FADA1) (Installed) ++ 203 - Robert M - Stock Clothing and Armor (Muscular)-14982.7z (15B676E9) (Installed) ++ 204 - Robert M - SI Clothing and Armor (Muscular)-14983.7z (9C50A6DC) (Installed) ++ 205 - Robert's Blue Green Outfit (4C66C06A) (Installed) ++ 206 - Robert v5 Muscular Clothing and Armor Replacer Fix-33779.7z (DAA69A74) (Installed) ++ 207 - Artifacts Robert's Male-25309.7z (2C84F5D0) (Installed) ++ 208 - Robert M - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (928721CC) (Installed) ++ 209 - Robert M - Fran Armor (Muscular)-15097.7z (36F2A402) (Installed) ++ 210 - Robert M - MMM Armor (Muscular)-15096.7z (7770DF7B) (Installed) ++ 211 - Robert M - OOO Armor (Muscular)-14984.7z (254AA989) (Installed) ++ 213 - Slof's Boners-24582.7z (6F19CFAE) (Installed) ++ 214 - HGECBody_v1dot21-15802.7z (37153B99) (Installed) ++ 215 - EVE_HGEC_BodyStock_and_Clothing_Wrye_Bash_BAIN_-24078.7z (4C684974) (Installed) ++ 216 - EVE_Stock_Equipment_Replacer_for_FCOM_1_4-24078.7z (761D67A5) (Installed) ++ 217 - EVE_for_Armamentarium_BAIN_Installer_update-24078.7z (2EC6ADAA) (Installed) ++ 218 - EVE_for_Artifacts_Beta_055-24078.7z (B925A6FE) (Installed) ++ 219 - EVE_for_Francesco_BAIN_Installer_update-24078.7z (736691AE) (Installed) ++ 220 - EVE_for_Martigen_Monster_Mod_BAIN_-24078.7z (C5BFDAE2) (Installed) ++ 221 - EVE_for_Oscuro_Oblivion_Overhaul_1_3_BAIN-24078.7z (1FEE0F34) (Installed) ++ 222 - Estrus_V12-28979.7z (97A4D7CA) (Installed) 223 - ==ANIMATION== 224 - ==BODY TEXTURES== ++ 225 - High Res Textures for HGEC Custom.7z (ABF01CB8) (Installed) ++ 226 - Face_Texture_for_High_Rez_Skin_Textures_v1_2-20022.7z (ECA21B6B) (Installed) ++ 227 - Improved Argonian Body Textures.7z (1DD0C080) (Installed) ++ 228 - Improved Argonian Facial Textures-6611.7z (D746F515) (Installed) ++ 229 - Argonian Beautification Requirements-15469.7z (F6DA37F4) (Installed) ++ 230 - Argonian Beautification Robert-15469.7z (318E14CB) (Installed) ++ 231 - ArgonianBeautification_Exnem-15469.7z (B86502FC) (Installed) ++ 232 - Robert M - Normal Map Replacer-19879.7z (DDD49EDB) (Installed) ++ 233 - Robert M - Slof's Seamless Dremora.7z (00AD1BCF) (Installed) ++ 234 - Vanilla Hair Replacer-11954.7z (F0F70596) (Installed) ++ 235 - Body Seam Reducer-19738.7z (DC74877E) (Installed) 236 - ==INTERFACE== ++ 237 - Dark UI DarNified v1.6-11280.7z (1ED2D2BA) (Installed) ++ 238 - Dark UI Persuasion Gizmo-9886.7z (6F0C5172) (Installed) ++ 239 - Dark UI KotN Factions-9341.7z (C99B4751) (Installed) ++ 240 - Dark UI SI Loading Screens-18909.7z (733B0C31) (Installed) ++ 241 - Dark UI Supplemental Pack-6795.7z (DAA49EA1) (Installed) ++ 243 - Custom Spell (505891FC) (Installed) ++ 244 - Cyrodiil Terrain Map v2.5-2634.7z (10CA4276) (Installed) ++ 245 - Dialogue Buttons-9149.7z (26EC7EF9) (Installed) ++ 246 - Landmarks with Wells 1.11-5475.7z (3C033F2A) (Installed) ++ 247 - Map Marker Overhaul-26389.7z (08815D40) (Installed) ++ 248 - Shivering Isles Terrain Map-10292.7z (D71CCF33) (Installed) ++ 249 - Super (88D642E8) (Installed) ++ 250 - Toggleable Quantity (363211C1) (Installed) 251 - ==INTERFACE-ALTERING MODS== ++ 252 - Enhanced Economy 4.3.1-25078.7z (60B008A6) (Installed) ++ 253 - Less Annoying Magic Experience.7z (5F151FEF) (Installed) 255 - ==ITEM TEXTURES== ++ 256 - MEAT-14660.7z (F919BA95) (Installed) ++ 257 - Armor and Clothing Redone-27414.7z (563BE7CE) (Installed) ++ 258 - Better Beer (DDECA0A5) (Installed) ++ 259 - Better Coins-19629.7z (FB295848) (Installed) ++ 260 - Better (B0F1DE28) (Installed) ++ 261 - Better Potion (3E649AB4) (Installed) ++ 262 - Better Staff Textures-3646.7z (E1AE6FAE) (Installed) ++ 263 - Book Jackets - Rob B's Mysterium Xarxes-6978.7z (DAEA6AF2) (Installed) ++ 264 - Book Jackets (HighRes)-5570.7z (A6244BAC) (Installed) ++ 265 - Cali Female Finery Textures-26850.7z (FA041442) (Installed) ++ 266 - Cobl Book Jackets-24890.7z (F46DDD1C) (Installed) ++ 267 - Enhanced Glass & Elven Normal Maps-251.7z (EEA8734E) (Installed) ++ 268 - Enhanced Spell Breaker Normal Map-29076.7z (F831D910) (Installed) ++ 269 - Evandar's Snow Texture Replacer-22284.7z (D9EAED66) (Installed) ++ 270 - Fearabbit's Better Goldware-27825.7z (47D53437) (Installed) ++ 271 - Fearabbit's Better Silverware-27825.7z (98A77F98) (Installed) ++ 272 - Forge New Textures-30555.7z (47CD3E6E) (Installed) ++ 273 - Glass Armor & Weapon Retex.7z (A495023F) (Installed) ++ 274 - Grape Texture Change-4195.7z (45C5B155) (Installed) ++ 275 - Grimbot's Book Jackets-16247.7z (6B7081DC) (Installed) ++ 276 - Hammerfist Shiny (134A2459) (Installed) ++ 277 - High Resolution Hay Bail Textures-27138.7z (CBB14A27) (Installed) ++ 278 - HiRes Iron Armor-30386.7z (3102BA49) (Installed) ++ 279 - HiRes Staffs-29412.7z (5901232A) (Installed) ++ 280 - Improved Doors and Flora-8298.7z (89C5A121) (Installed) ++ 281 - Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats-10487.7z (9FA8942E) (Installed) ++ 282 - Improved Signs-9498.7z (7B1F6919) (Installed) ++ 283 - Improved_Soulgems_v111.7z (A66FE30A) (Installed) ++ 284 - Improved Thornblade Sheath-11102.rar (0600D475) (Installed) ++ 285 - Improved Trees and Flora-8500.7z (13A4054B) (Installed) ++ 286 - Improved Trees and Flora 2-11891.7z (F595B7CF) (Installed) ++ 287 - Josef Grey's Natural Starlight-24212.7z (6CA24475) (Installed) ++ 288 - Kafei's Better Amulet Replace-4126.7z (4F9E1B7A) (Installed) ++ 289 - Kafei's Better Ring Replacer-4107.7z (4CBE7B70) (Installed) ++ 290 - Koldorn's Alternate Auroran Texture (greenish)-9583.7z (BEDB1A6B) (Installed) ++ 291 - Mythic Animals High Res-29638.7z (AA74E6EF) (Installed) ++ 292 - Mythic Creatures-29569.7z (09DD4847) (Installed) ++ 293 - Non-Plastic Clouded Crystal Balls-20019.7z (9634558E) (Installed) ++ 294 - Sigil Stone Icon Fix-32724.7z (393AC2AA) (Installed) ++ 295 - Unique Signs-25314.7z (FC0A6D23) (Installed) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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