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I am scared of many things as I was scarred for life as a kid because of all the prank sites there are. A few times that scared me in Oblivion are:


The first time I enter the abandoned house in Cheydinhal. I didn't know about the Dark Brotherhood at the time and I felt adventurous so I picked the lock and as I reached the door with the skull and other pictures my spine and muscles tensed except my hands so I ran out as fast as possible. I was sweating as if I was actually the guy sprinting.


Everytime I are forced into conversation with someone when I can't see them. The camera moves so fast and the sound is up high, it seems like they are trying to scare me. This especially bad after sleeping (e.g. the Anvil House or Hermaeus Mora quest). I have actually screamed out loud when this happens (sometimes).


I am getting over getting scared after playing FEAR and Doom 3 but still I get scared when something is so freaky, yet I can't pull my eyes away.

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I don't get scared by things like caves, blood on the ground or the looks and sounds of a monster. But when I think a place is safe (I play without the music, so i'm not warned when something attacks me) I look behind me, nothings there, I look behind me again and some orc is just swinging a hammer at me, I do get the "woah!" feeling. o_O


I haven't played Morrowind, so what are these cliff racers? birds?

Yup. They always freak people out because you often don't see them coming. And then they attack you from the back and make this very annoying sound... Cliff racers were the most hated creatures in MW, people even made mods that removed them. ;D


Here some more info on Cliff Racers.

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The only time I get scared is when i'm poking arownd in an aleid ruin, and suddenly i go shooting up into the roof! :ohmy: because i failed to notice the panel on the floor. Usualy they fire to soon so i miss the spikes :D The traps in forts that shoot reapeting darts at u also scare me because there so loud. Scince i'm a mage and don't have any armor I like to use the traps to my advantage and lead my enemies into them when i'm out of mana.
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I understand, but The Dark Brotherhood entrance?!?!






Well, when I saw it the first time (whoa, just remembered another one!), it scared me. The picture didn't, but the sound did.

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