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Far Cry

FC3 Weapon's Attachment System from Ziggy's only. Read me pls^,^


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Ok, to start, i want to say that Ziggy did a really awesome job with his mod collection, the game is painfully hard, you need hours to advance in the game and it gives the right satisfaction! It's cool for those who like hardcore mindblowing gameplay <3.


But my question is: I really suck at hardcore extreme precision gameplay, and after 6 hours the game became insanely hard for me! I would like to have all the vanilla game, completely natural, just with one different thing:

The Weapon system and the attachment system used by Ziggy's mod.

I want to start all over again, with the map completelty obscured, second island locked, windsuit locket, etc...and enemies dealing the base vanilla damage, even the weapons locked. (That you need to unlock and get in the second island to unlock second tier weapons like D50), I would like just to have all of his tons of Camouflages, Attachments, and max limit of mods that you can apply on your guns unlocked.

For example the Lightweight steel magazine...marksman scope, suppressor on a pistol etc...


Is there a way to insert them? Maybe with a tutorial of gibbed mod tolls?

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