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Outdoor FPS in FCOM Nearly Halves After Reinstall!


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Well I'm not after OOO or other overhauls so I have started working on my own mod. Like repricing all the stuff in-game, removing the quest item tags from any quest items so you can sell them ( and break your quest ) and store them.

Then adding female versions for armors, and making all armors playable, letting player play as dremora/golden saint/ vampire race and all the usual stuff. I have repriced every piece of armor and weapon + books, soul gems. I can safely say that I have repriced every item in the game. Then some quest changes, like being able to actually join the Mythic Dawn and many many many other things. Most stuff is done by me, however when I see a nice mod I merge it's esp with mine and this way my "overhaul" gets bigger and bigger. But to clear upcoming questions - I'm not asking for permission because I'm keeping the mod for me and my friend only, and I still provide credit.


I know what I'm using and what may cause errors. I hate having lot's of eps's because it looks like one big mess, and I don't have any sorting issues because I have only the Oblivion.esm, Shivering isles + kotn.esp's, unofficial patch esp's and one .esp of my mod :)



And well, if I'll finnish the mod and authors of the mods I included will give me permission I might relase it.

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Very cool idea; wish I had the time or skill to make my own all-encompassing mod. That might save a lot of hassle.


Maintaining the giant mod list can be a pain sometimes, but it's totally worth it to me once things start working smoothly. And, since it's kinda my only option, I'm okay with the work involved! Having kick-butt communities like this to bounce ideas around in doesn't hurt, either.

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The Bashed Patch actually has an option to make all armor and clothing from your mods playable. Dremora armor isn't too impressive: it's heavier and weaker than steel armor.


Well I do know it, but I hate the feeling that you can't use something in the game or some part of it is unplayable.

As for the Bashed Patch - never heard of it. I feel better making all of this boring stuff on my own :P


@Lowk Who said I'm skilled? It's just the matter of ticking "playable" box in some armors by using the construction set.

Then I just triple or double every item cost and weight and that's the maths.

As for scripts, I altered only the arena scripts so you can loot opponents bodies, mythic dawn quest, and lootable emperors body - it's really not much, yet is some kind of fun factor to mess around in the game :)

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