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Question about these 3 Bug fix Mods?


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Most people used the 3 famous bug fix mods name "Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition, Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP and NVEC - New Vegas Enhanced Content." So should I installed all of these or only install one mod? If someone said one, then which one I will need install one of the mods? And why?

Edited by Superwolf8
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NVEC doesn't look remotely like a bugfix mod to me. It's a compilation of mods packed together for convenience, and a rather bulky one at that.


For major bug fixes, it seems to me your choice is between MMUE and YUP. YUP advertises itself as a 'pure' bugfix mod in that it only fixes things that are broken and doesn't make changes beyond that. I honestly don't know how this differs from MMUE, but MMUE may be more liberal in what they fix and it does seem to make more overall changes that YUP does.


I'm making guesses here as I haven't used any of them before, so don't take my word for it.

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The NVEC installer includes a patch for Mission Mojave. I used to use it but decided to abandon it when I got fed with all the extra stuff that came with it that I never really used. Mission Mojave has some features of its own, but I think most of those are restoration of cut content. While NVEC includes gameplay features like Dynamic Herbalism or Light My Flare, Mission Mojave just has some of the "New Vegas Uncut" stuff and other little additions like a lighter that belongs to Benny and the House--Brotherhood treaty. I hadn't looked into YUP, but if it's true what RoyBatterian says, I'll probably look into that now.

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