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go to the construction set. Go to file, data and select Oblivion. Let it load. After loading, find items, and under that find keys. Find the DarkSancWellKey. Right click on it and select edit. A box will appear, unselect quest item and save. Then load it like you do anyother mod.
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1. Should have never stolen the Akivira relic from the countess.

2. Should have not been so greedy and picked up the arrow of extrication after using it.

3. Should have not been greedy (again) and used Spring Jacks shoes, because i never use it and i now can't chuck it.


What can I say;)

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1. Should have never stolen the Akivira relic from the countess...





I don't know where you get that. The Akaviri artifact (Draconian Madstone) is a different item than the one you got, because it's marked as non-quest-essectial. But the Arrow of Extrication is still marked as a quest item, and that sucks if you pick it up. I don't know if it's just me having the un-quest item mod, but I can remove the Boots of Springheel Jak (later to be known as Jakben Imbel Earl of Imbel) from my inventory.

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He either stole the madstone from the countess (which would truly be mad) or he stole one of the many akaviri relics in the county hall.






Oo! I did all that w/o getting caught! Well, on topic, I was poking around the CS, yes, cheating, and when I looked in the container I created (with all non-quested clothing), I discovered it had the Madstone. And I didn't click yes to put the QI version in, and took one out and put it back in w/o trouble :happy: . So, sleaaels shouldn't have had had that problem.

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