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Get vertex index in blender


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It does have one,but it just displays the number of selected vertices. But it turn out you can get the index by writing a very simple python script that iterates through the vertex list and displays their indexes. I'll try to write one later and post it here. I won't have more than 60 lines or so. I'm currently trying to figure out how to add a textbox and some simple buttons in blender using the script.


;** Comment Line **
obj_blend = Blender.Object.Get("Cube")
obj_blend.RotX = obj_blend.RotX + 90
print (obj_blend.Name)
If Len(obj_blend.Name <= 0) : print("This is an example code box")
Return 0

Edited by LHammonds
Added codebox BBCode as an example
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Thank you very much for the reply. I still learned a bit of python and made the script that writes all the selected vertices from all the objects in a text file.

Here's the script:



Name: 'Export Selected Vertices'
Blender: 249
Group: 'Export'
Tooltip: 'Selected Vertices Exporter'
import Blender
import bpy

def exportVertices(filename):
out = file(filename, "w")
sce = bpy.data.scenes.active
for ob in sce.objects:
		mesh = ob.getData(mesh=1)
		out.write(ob.name + "\n")
		for vert in mesh.verts:
			if vert.sel == 1:
				out.write( ' v %s \n' % (vert.index) )
		print( "Object %s probably doesn't have any vertices" % ( ob.name ))



I was busy figuring out how to add some buttons with some options,like only exporting the vertices from a certain object. And some objects don't have the verts attribute,so I added an exception handler for that,but maybe if refers to the fact that the reference is null or something like that and accessing a null reference is illegal. I'll look into it a bit more.


I really like the fact that you can write your own script for blender in a very nice language.

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