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Obse v.18 Not working properly


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Hello everyone and thanks for taking the time to read this.


I have the following problem with OBSE,


Basically it just doesn't work at all, It doesnt load my mods and doesnt bring any difference to the game.

The one i'd really like to have working is Duke Patricks Combat Archery.


What I just did is: Reinstall Oblivion, Updating it to 1.416 then Downloading OBSE v.018 and putting that into my oblivion folder and then putting the mod ( which is Duke Patrick's Combat Archery ) in my data folder.

I load the Game ( creating a new character doesnt work either ) and nothing happens.


** Im using Windows Vista 7 non steam version **


Any help is really appreciated

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Make sure that any .dll file that came with the plugin is installed to .\Data\OBSE\plugins.


Take a look at the obse.log and obse loader.log files in your Oblivion directory to see any errors that are occurring.


Make sure you are loading Oblivion with obse_loader.exe.


Make sure you didn't add the Steam version of the OBSE plugin to the Oblivion folder.


Enable Full control for the Oblivion folder by right-clicking the folder, click the Security tab. click Edit, select Users from the top list box, check Full control in the bottom list box, and apply these settings.


Try running obse_loader.exe as an administrator.

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Make sure that any .dll file that came with the plugin is installed to .\Data\OBSE\plugins.


Take a look at the obse.log and obse loader.log files in your Oblivion directory to see any errors that are occurring.


Make sure you are loading Oblivion with obse_loader.exe.


Make sure you didn't add the Steam version of the OBSE plugin to the Oblivion folder.


Enable Full control for the Oblivion folder by right-clicking the folder, click the Security tab. click Edit, select Users from the top list box, check Full control in the bottom list box, and apply these settings.


Try running obse_loader.exe as an administrator.


I did as you said, I still had the Steam.dll in my folder but I deleted that, still did not work, then I had a look in my Obse.log which seemed fine but then I ran into this:


HandleLoadGame: couldn't open file (C:\Users\Lex\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 11 - Lexus - Cloud Ruler Temple, Level 1, Playing Time 01.12.12.obse), probably doesn't exist. Could this be the problem?

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That just means the game was saved without OBSE running. OBSE creates a mirrored save for its extensions with *.obse.


obse_loader.log would be more telling if there is a problem. The log should say


hook thread complete

launching oblivion


at the end of the file.


Only other thing I can think of is to make sure your load order is correct and that any plugins with the Scripts Bash tag are being added when you rebuild your Bashed Patch, that is if you're even using Wrye Bash.

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