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Companion modding help


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I'm very new to geck, and you guys have been very helpful and friendly, I probably wouldn't have gotten to the point I'm at now without the assists. I am in need of an answer to a question I can't seem to find an answer for though; I am trying to work out how to make a companion that can help carry your stuff just like a vanilla companion can, I know the basics of companion making, but so far my efforts have failed with the inventory part. Could someone please give me a few pointers? Thanks very much in advance :)

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I know the basics of companion making, but so far my efforts have failed with the inventory part. Could someone please give me a few pointers? Thanks very much in advance :)


So you have your companion all set up and working except for the trading back and forth part? He/she is set up as a teammate and you have some dialogue going on?


If so then you just need to add a dialogue topic to open the container/talk about the trading and in the results script of that topic add:




and when the player uses that topic the companion's container will open up. For an example of what it looks like you can go into the FO3 esm and look at the trade dialogue for one of the vanilla companions. Looking at how the vanilla companions are put together or looking at the inner workings of one of your favorite companion mods is a great way to learn how to build one yourself.


:) llama

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Thanks very much for the advice, I just got it up and running. I tried looking at the vanilla companions at first, but I'm a bit... challenged at scripting, so I didn't really understand it. Hopefully that will change with practice. Thank you again for the advice, I appreciate you taking the time :)
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You're welcome.


The more you look at other mods and how they work the more it will begin to make sense. Especially if you keep reading threads about how things are done.


Here's a good scripting tutorial for beginners if you are interested:


Cipscis Scripting for Beginners


It's FO3 specific and helped me tremendously when I started out.


:) llama

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That's great, I shall definately have a look through that - looks like it could help me understand things a bit better, thank you :D now my good (if hideously ugly) hillfolk companion can carry things for me too! hurray :D
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