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Problems with Shader 3.0?


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So, i've tried to use Shader 3.0 since i've got my new GTX 285.

I've checked the RenderInfo.txt, and it said my shader is 4, so i enabled 3.0 shaders by changing bAllow30Shaders=1 and by renaming my 4 shader file to the 19 shader file, as i've read in several readmes and tutorials.


Problem is: now my sky is ENTIRELY black at days, but at night, its just a normal night sky.


Only environmental mod i have added is All Natural.


Any information on what i'm doing wrong?





Edit: Oh and by the way, how do i change my keyboard layout? Since my last reinstall, it seems to use english keyboard layouts, instead of my german one, so Y is Z etc etc, and i cant use my üöä

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You should be copying "shaderpackage019.sdp" and renaming the copy to "shaderpackage004.sdp" to use the 3.0 shaders. There should be no missing shaders in the .\Shader directory. Now I don't know if this actually changes anything, but I do it anyway. I guess it's because the effects are the same, but they use the updated language profile instead so they perform better than 2.0 shaders.


As for your second problem, I don't know of anyway to change the keyboard layout. Did it use the proper one before your reinstall? I would think that the german version of the game would use the proper keyboard, unless you're using a different localized version. If you had to patch your game, did you use the german version and not the english one?

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You should be copying "shaderpackage019.sdp" and renaming the copy to "shaderpackage004.sdp" to use the 3.0 shaders. There should be no missing shaders in the .\Shader directory. Now I don't know if this actually changes anything, but I do it anyway. I guess it's because the effects are the same, but they use the updated language profile instead so they perform better than 2.0 shaders.


As for your second problem, I don't know of anyway to change the keyboard layout. Did it use the proper one before your reinstall? I would think that the german version of the game would use the proper keyboard, unless you're using a different localized version. If you had to patch your game, did you use the german version and not the english one?


Ah yes sorry i had a little turn in there, sure, i renamed the 19 package to 4, result: black skies.

And i was able to fix the second problem, something i installed changed the iLanguage in the config file to 0 without my knowing :)


Still, i'd like to use the 3.0 shaders.

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