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A Fitness Topic


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That's cool.

I'm guessing nobody else really does anything, eh?


Come on, fitness isn't related to just lifting and running. Who plays sports? Anybody play tennis, lacrosse, whatever?


And eating, eating healthy is an important part of fitness as well.

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I've been practising Kendo since I was twelve. I'm not a competitive player, and I very rarely go to gradings. As such, the last grade I achieved was 4th Kyu when I was 14. I should be at LEAST 2nd Dan by now, but meh, I'm there for the fitness, not the grades. Unfortunately, because of my new job it's hard for me to train. I'm restricted to two nights a week, but the training is intense.
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I lift 4x a week






do core exercises every day but sat


cardio 4x a week too, after the workouts




bench 225 lbs

dont squat [used to] max was 245

dont dead [used to] max was 360


only work on my core and upper body now

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I've been practising Kendo since I was twelve. I'm not a competitive player, and I very rarely go to gradings. As such, the last grade I achieved was 4th Kyu when I was 14. I should be at LEAST 2nd Dan by now, but meh, I'm there for the fitness, not the grades. Unfortunately, because of my new job it's hard for me to train. I'm restricted to two nights a week, but the training is intense.


Nice. I did Kendo as well for while, enough to learn all of the basics and then some. I can go against most people and do well, I think. xD

Well, it wasn't exactly Kendo, but it's similar.


i practice taekwond since 7th grade,its been 8 year since that,now i'm waiting approvement for black belt,failed twice tough >,<


8 years to Black Belt? That's actually really slow.

Out of curiosity, how much do you pay a month, if at all? And do you pay for belt tests?

And finally, do you spar regularly?


I lift 4x a week






do core exercises every day but sat


cardio 4x a week too, after the workouts




bench 225 lbs

dont squat [used to] max was 245

dont dead [used to] max was 360


only work on my core and upper body now



I wish I would deadlift moar, but I haven't really tried it much since I can't seem to get my form right at all. I don't want to risk hurting my back since my family has a history of back problems. But that's pretty raw.


Do any sports? How much do you weigh?

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Agh. I feel terrible now. I don't go outside and work out...now anyway. But at the same time, I'm not the fat guy sitting in front of the computer either. I'm actually under average in weight.


Back home, whenever I went to the beach, I used to swim out to the reef and back a buncha times. At least a couple Olympic-sized pools.

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No need to insult geeks, man. You're on a geek site.


There's nothing wrong with not being a jock.


Also, I do Aikido.


Woah there, not insulting anybody.

What I meant to say with my post was, I'm pretty sure that we're all normal people who do things outside of being very geeky and not doing anything else besides video game related stuff. If you're not, then well, that's your choice.


I'm just sayin'.


And also, if you want to get IN shape, this topic could also help.

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Oh. I guess that's how it is there?

Most places in Korea will get you your black belt within 2-3 years. One year if you're underaged.


The reason I asked was that you have to be weary of McDojo's - the McDonalds of dojo's. These places usually teach slow, have no sparring, and cost a gazillion bucks a month to teach. But places you can usually trust is the ATA - the American Taekwondo Association.


Interesting fact: My father's friend is the Grand Master of the ATA.

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