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help editing icons in mini map


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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone know at least where the texture files for the plants icons in the minimap are? I was able to find the .xbt file concerning the minimap icons, plenty of them, had to convert the file to dds first. But there they were, except no plant icons.


Does anyone know where they may be located?

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  • 2 months later...

Soooooo, after abandoning my efforts to make those edits and then finding the time and care to continue to study the matter, I've been able to find the files that need editing in order to make the plants icons invisible.

However I'm stuck. the files themselves can be converted to .dds and edited in photoshop. But no matter how I edit them, I always end up with the plant icons either completely white or completely black in the minimap, in game.



I'm not hoping for an answer frankly. But I lose little by asking so, does anyone know how to edit those .dds files in order to make only the plants icons invisible?



The files that contains the minimap info is called "h_minimap_0.xbt". And its located within the "common.dat" file in the Far Cry 3 install folder. it's in the "ui" folder within "common.dat", and then inside a folder called "supertextures".



So. Any help?

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