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Replacing Currency


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Can someone please make a replacement currency instead of bottle caps. Maybe like a value system... Each object having certain value. in which case only items can be traded for other items, which makes the game more realistic..(this is just a suggestion).


But i do want silly bottle caps currency system to change..lol...seriously with all the 2012 doomsday predictions i might as well star saving up on bottle caps.. :biggrin:

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Not possible, end of story.


When you're buying and selling stuff, just sell/buy enough items such that the net number of caps exchanged is ~0. That's as close as you're going to get.


IMO: It would make the game less realistic. You know... the whole social evolution thing... Its not like everyone was sent back to the stone age with no knowledge of the previous world.

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Bottlecaps are set in lore as a accepted currency everywhere. Nuka Cola caps are rare enough to be of value when backed by the merchants of the wastes, and common enough to be in supply. They also cannot be forged which is a plus.


@ above post: You don't realize how prevalent nuka cola was. It was the most popular drink in the world before the nukes hit... or was it the US... doesn't matter...

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I was more referring to Maddy's idea of ignoring currency for direct trading as being unrealistic... Which it is.


Considering how well the city survived nuking (multiple?), all those RPG toting supermutants, Talon artillery and general wear and tear I'd say that the chance of enough bottlecaps surviving is pretty good compared to everything else.

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