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Anyone had any luck getting utc file names from Return to Ostagar?


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I have been trying to find the name of the utc file for King Cailan in RtO for an addition to my Clothed Prisoners mod. The normal trick of openning the erf file in the toolset to get the file names does not work in my case as the erf file is encrypted and cannot be opened. (asks for a version when trying to open) I am wondering if anyone has happened to find this utc file name and could let me know what it is.
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Dan- all of the creature .utc files for Ostagar are kcc100cr_

so I'm GUESSING that cailan's would be kcc100cr_cailan.utc and that the morph name is hm_pre100_cailan.mor.


Now, beyond that... I dunno if his .utc file has any different information in it from a standard one or not. I know that the ,utc files have a line in there that read "is statue" #. (0 or 1 for negative or positive). I dunno if they used something like that for him or not, since I cant open the file :(


But if you're trying to create your own utc file for him for your project, I hope that this helps :thumbsup:

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not a problem! Always happy to help ya out bro :thumbsup:

if that name doesnt work, it might be kcc100cr_kingcailan.utc or "king_cailen.utc"

but I'm pretty sure that its the one that I mentioned in the first post.


Good luck! I know that him hanging there with a woody is something that a LOT of peeps have complained about ;)

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Well, kcc100cr_cailan got him clothed, but not the same pose. No big deal I think there, but on one test I forgot to take out the conversation. Got that fixed, second test got him to quit looking at the player, but now I have lost the icon after the battle on the bridge that triggers Alistair's little speech about coming back later. Will try again tomorrow, too late tonight to keep testing it. But it is progress, he's not saluting us as we approach his cross. ;)


EDIT, I should say pose after the cutscene. He is in his crucified pose during it.

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aw man!!! that would be FREAKY!! a dead guy hanging up there STARING at you!! Gah! *shivers* Like those pictures where the eyes follow you...on steroids!

Especially if he was still wearing the salute!

(LOL- "Hey there, how You doin'? I'm just hanging out, but not hanging low!")


Hrm.... sounds like there's definitely some information there in the vanilla utc file that you'd need to add to the custom utc file for him. :(

(Darn you bioware!) But it sounds like you're making progress. A lot moreso that I would be doing, on my own.

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Yeah, it's been a monster thus far. What I have been doing is adjusting on a copy of the vanilla utc from Origins. That hanging bit I got him to where he does not move (it was creepy when you look up and he cracks his neck/shrugs his shoulders/shifts his weight) Then when I used the little icon to trigger Alistair's apology speech, it triggered the whole battle strategy conversation with Loghain right before storming the tower. I got that fixed, but to do that I lost the icon triggering Alistair's speech. I'm at the point where if the funeral scene still triggers, then I might just release it with the stipulation about the bridge battle part. I was always going to release it as an optional file anyway since I know there are people who do not have that dlc.
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Ugh. Yeah, that does sound like a headache. I'm glad that you understand those triggers and whatnot, cause I'd be lost there.

So what was it that you used to prevent him from doing the stationary animations? (that sounds like an oxymoron doesnt it?)

yah, or stipulate that the cailan one is also still only in alpha or beta stage. WIP.

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To get him to stop moving I changed his variable values to 0, then also made his interactivity from true to false. I think that last bit is where I lost the icon, but when I turn it back to true he starts cracking his neck again, so there is something there that is missing or he is set as something completely different. I have played with him as placeable creature, item, and also as human dying ambient. None of these made noticeable changes in his behavior, so there must be something designer created for him in the RtO utc that we cannot see.


EDIT: I also lose or regain the icon when I change the base conversation. The current test run has comversation set to none, and thus no icon to trigger any lines. I tried to use Alistair main, and get party camp dialogue, so it also has to be a designer created dialogue in RtO that we also cannot see. :wallbash:

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To get him to stop moving I changed his variable values to 0, then also made his interactivity from true to false. I think that last bit is where I lost the icon, but when I turn it back to true he starts cracking his neck again, so there is something there that is missing or he is set as something completely different. I have played with him as placeable creature, item, and also as human dying ambient. None of these made noticeable changes in his behavior, so there must be something designer created for him in the RtO utc that we cannot see.


EDIT: I also lose or regain the icon when I change the base conversation. The current test run has comversation set to none, and thus no icon to trigger any lines. I tried to use Alistair main, and get party camp dialogue, so it also has to be a designer created dialogue in RtO that we also cannot see. :wallbash:

Dan, the following files are the conversation files for RTO:


These are the dialog files used in RTO-








Try using one of them as the base conversation and it *may* resolve your problem.

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