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Whats the difference between houses


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Ok let me just say, i've played all 3 houses(almost all through, didn't quite finish hlaalu) with chars built for each house and I must say I like all three styles of playing.


Hlaalu(as said before) is full of scum bags(the reason i couldn't finish, I was fed up with the darn backstabers), and I somewhat like there architecture but not really. Only join if your a scummy, backstabbing, little bum(IMO)


Telvanni has it's perks, and I must say it is the best for quest rewards, but the people are some what...distant, as cool as some such as Ayron is it isn't worht all the runnng back and forth, up and down the towers, all becasue you can't wait to get the strong hold, then your get it and it is juts a weed, then it upgrades and you get happy again, then you go inside and...well it is a mushroom to the core. So in short 'bad architecture, very odd peopel, and VERY nice rewards'.


But my first choice(the first house i joined) is Redoran. Sometimes strange but mostly down to earth people(like me) with a deep honor towarsd others in the house, sure the quests are often very meniale with poor rewards, it has a very staifactory, way of being. I like the architecture, it is very simple but not to the point of boring. They're not so warlike, so there is less combat between houses. So over all, Redoran has honorable, sensiable people, that can suit any class style, but have poor rewards(the worst house for rewards) and sometimes meniale quests, but it is still my favorite.


Ok, that was my lecture...

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Sometimes strange but mostly down to earth people(like me)


Yeah, sure you are, you liar you.


i do like Redoran though. I play a lot of hack n' slash, because it comes easily. The architecture sort of bugs me though. You are living in a hollowed out carcass of a bug *ewwwww*. Sure, in Telvanni you live in a mushroom, but it is a living being, so it doesn't exactly rot. The Redoran stronghold is the best, un modded. But if you know the CS, I think Telvanni can be most easily manipulated to your tastes.


As for going far places, I really disagree with that. Nothing, NOTHING, can compare with the Redoran quest where you speak to the guar herder in the middle of nowhere. The Telvanni aren't really that far from eachother, it just seems that way since they each have their own island. The only one far away is Baladas Demanvi, Which is a quick two boat trips and Silt Strider from Sadrith Mora.


As I said before, Hack n' slash comes naturaly. I think it does for everyone, which is why Redoran is the prefered house. Telvanni challenges you not to just pick up a sword and start clicking your mouse. They makes you think "What spell could I use in this situation? Should I summon things to protect me?" Hlaalu also is a challenge, but they are such scums, no one wants them, so the point is moot.


And of course, Redoran has some loyalties to the temple. Telvanni have absolutely none. Only in Vos, and Sadrith Mora do they have a temple. Vos, because it was a city before Aryon came. Sadrith Mora because it is a large city with many different people.



*Continues to blabber on for hours*


I'll shutup now :P

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I resent Hlaalu being scum, they're just under appreciated :lol: . They're good for those of us mobster types who want to make themselves look good by causing the demise of so so many other people. Kinda like the acceptance speech starting, "I'd like to thank all the little people I had to step on the get here."


Telvanni just seem so far removed from everything it's almost like they opperate their own little country. And their land policy certainly would back that up. But in the end there really isn't a huge problem with Telvanni if you can shake the whole slavery stance. At least they aren't Imperial sellouts like the Hlaalu.


Never played Redoran though, that might be due to that fact that I play non hack and slash characters, even when I do they still manage to have some sort of affinity to magic.


It really depends on your character though, my breton is kinda a faction angel with all that he's taken up. Though he'll never go Tribunal Temple since he hates Alm Si and Vi.


With regard to the Great Houses though deffinitely choose the one that you character specializes in, because it makes the most sense. Given that the other factions don't ban you from membership unless you're a vampire or werewolf it really doesn't matter what odd jobs you pick up along the way are.

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The Telvanni Slavery stance is annoying, but once your Archmagister, you can dream of making it illegal in Telvanni district :D


And the Telvanni WILL accept Vampires into their service. I haven't tried it with a werewolf yet though.


I love talking to Telvanni when you are a Vampire


"Ah, a vampire. How interesting" :lol:

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