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The falmer King is a mod I am working on. Ive posted a few images on this site but havent gotten that much of a response. This mod is in the early phases and I am not really
sure how to reach People so I am hoping people respond to this. The
Falmer King is a kind of become the king mod only instead of becoming
the king of a place that already exists Your player becomes the lord or
lady of the a special brand of Falmer named by the first vampire to
discover them. They live inside a massive system of caves underneath
Skyrim that reach even to Windhelm. The cave will serve many purposes.
Here are some of the features I will try to put together.

* Large mines filled with a lot of different types of ore, including a rare metal known only to this cave.


*A nordic ruin filled with scholars looking for lost relics in which you your self can claim.


*A massive palace underground that will have many features in itself(unknown at the moment but will know soon.)


*Command the blood falmer.


*A large number of passages to reach the outside world.


* A quest line that will be more treasure hunting for the key to the this underground empire.


The quest line will not be as forthcoming as say the main quest it will put you on the path but it will be up to you to follow the clues to
find the one who holds the key to the Underground empire. look over the
images I have posted in the images section.

Edited by Mrblood767
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