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Entering Bruma CTD's my game.


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I had recently installed All Natural and Immersive Interiors, along with Brotherhood Renewed, Tamriel Travellers, and some other stuff.


I installed and ran All Natural without Wrye Bash, even though it said I needed it. Immersive Interiors ran fine.

I tried to enter Bruma, but my game crashed. OK, so just load it up again. Tried again, crashed.




So I disable All Natural and Immersive Interiors, and it STILL crashes.

So i disable Brotherhood Renewed and Tamriel Travelrs, because both could still affect Bruma. Loaded up again. STILL CRASHES.


What gives? Anybody have a clue out here? Will reinstalling help? Can I keep all of my mods and saves if I reinstall?

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There is a common crash that happens here - it is caused when you have completed the quest to save Bruma, and later change the race or face of your character. A new statue in Bruma needs the same character as the one that saved Bruma.


There is a fix for this - look for bruma statue fix in the mods

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