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Help request: TES4gecko will not clean plugins


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So I was recently informed that my latest mod has some dirty edits. I thought I fixed all of those, but whatever. So what do I do? I try to clean the file with TES4 Gecko. Easy right? Apparently not, as I keep getting error messages whenever I try. To demonstrate this problem, I designed two test files, one without any dirty edits, and one with a dirty edit.


So I click on the "Clean Plugin" function on Gecko and it leads the Oblivion esm file. So far so good right? The I get this message:


Exception while cleaning plugin


java.lang.OutofMemoryError: Java heap space

java.util.HashMap.infateTable(Unknown Source)

java.util.HashMap.put(Unknown Source)




After this crops up, I click OK and am told that Gecko was unable to clean the plugin. This happens with both the clean and dirty files. So what gives? How do I fix it? Can I fix it? More importantly, can I fix it without needing a degree in computer science? Would I be better off just switching to TES4Edit?


I am running:


Windows 7

TES4Gecko 15.2


Thanks for your time,



Edited by Guinefort1
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Well then why on earth does Gecko have a clean plugin function? :confused: That wasn't directed at you by the way; that was rhetorical. If that is the case, then I will give TES4Edit a try and see if that program will cooperate. Thank you for your response. If others want to add there two cents, I would still appreciate feedback on this issue.

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