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NMM not showing my DLC .ESM's


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Don't know exactly what I should do, but I have a modding question: I'm having an issue where the vanilla .esm will show up in NMM, but the DLC .esm's are not showing. I own the game via steam, including the DLC's. Now, before I did modding with NMM for Skyrim, I did use it to mod F:NV, and I had no troubles with that (thanks be to Gopher and his wonderful tutorials). I also modded skyrim a bit in the actual games folder, but that was for texture packs, killable children (quite annoying little buggers in the game otherwise), and a few other small mods and I didn't have an issue. I'm wondering if I just have to copy/paste/archive just the .esm's (or if I also need to include the .bsa's and .bsl's) for those DLC packs and load them in via NMM in order to get them to read.
Thanks in advance for helpful information.

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