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Auto-taunt mod


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Has anyone known of a mod that gives the player a chance to taunt creatures and races during combat, with a parameter to set the % a taunt is used? I'm kinda tired of hearing the player's growls and grunts only in combat as opposed to NPCs doing more than just that.
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I'm not entirely sure it's possible. Even after going into the conversation stuff and removing the things that would disable the player from having those lines, and then disabling the standard grunts I still did not see any change. This is odd as although the grunts and such still play out in game, they do not show up within the possible combat dialogue. This means that they are probably hard coded somewhere, or are controlled another way. Unless I missed something, the only way you might be able to do this would be to script an ability that randomly plays a sound file based on the player's race and sex, that gets triggered somehow durring combat. Even that probably wouldn't work right.
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...This means that they are probably hard coded somewhere, or are controlled another way. Unless I missed something...


It would really be too bad if thats the case, but i can relate to Chris, the shouting and grunting does get tedious after a while, some relief of voice comments strategically spaced in between would be nice.

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