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A arrest mod with a custom prison


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Basically I want a mod that would allow me to arrest nearly anyone (besides counts/guards) and be able to chain/cuff them and transport them by a horse...


The prison I would want would be like the fortresses, and should be near battlehorn castle. A fairly simple interior, with a bunch of prison cells and a kitchen/dining area.


Also I would like to be able to command the prisoners and hire guards for the prison...


Maybe a small quest line in order to get ownership of the prison, and the right to arrest. Should be given to you by a count, or a captain.


Also a few houses added in the wilderness to act as skooma houses, so you could do drug busts... The houses shouldn't be called "skooma houses" but they would have skooma bottles inside of them hidden...


Not sure how hard this would be, but always wanted to have a mod like this...



Hopefully I did everything right, its my first post...

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