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War of the Wasteland


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I've had an idea to have a full-scale war take place in the Capitol Wasteland between the various factions. The were only a few a battles between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave, but it didn't really feel like you were in a war.


What I would like is to have at least 4 factions, though there could be a lot more, The Brotherhood of Steel, The Enclave, The Super Mutants, and The Raiders, (Rivet City is another possibility, or a ghoul faction) engage in a 4 way war over control of the Capitol Wasteland. You would pick which faction you want to support at the start of the game.


Each faction would have a headquarters, (The Citadel, Raven Rock, Evergreen Mills, and Vault 87) and would attempt to seize strategic locations across the wasteland, like Megaton, Bigtown, Rivet City, etc. Factions could make alliances as well, so you could convince, say, Megaton Settlers to ally with the Enclave, or you could hire the Talon Company to fight on your side of the war.


The players role would be as commander of the army whatever faction they chose, and you would choose what location to attack next, set up defenses at locations you already control, and negotiate with other groups, and lead your army in combat.


When attacking, it'd be nice if there was a way to set up a plan of attack before you attack. Say your attacking Megaton, and you order 3 soldiers to go and secure Crater Side supply, while another group seizes the Armory, and a sniper goes up top to where Stockholm is to provide support. If you had Vertibirds, you should be able to insert troops in a certain location and use them for air support, like in the Enclave commander mod.


Also, besides just attacking and defending strategic locations, there could be pitched battles in various parts of the wasteland when armies come across each other. This would be good in case say, you decide that a certain location isn't very secure, you could instead go and meet an enemy army at a location that will give you an upper hand.


Just an idea, let me know your thoughts on it.

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that would be pretty cool.i mean its no fun after you go hunting and you waste everyone and noone spawns back,youd have to include a mass spawn mod.Because what else am i going to use my 50 bagamillion bullets on?


I think it'd be cool,it would add an RTS idea to FO.But i think it should be, BOS,Outcast,Enclave(Tech based),Raiders,Talon Co.(anyone can hire,i noticed they like alot of CQC style weapons so they should use those most.),Ghouls and Super Muties(anything goes)


I think itd be even better if you could have like a radio that told you were major battles were.So if the Raiders were attacking Megaton you could go to their aid and help them out.


Or even better,you could play them against each other and make money at the same time by being a Mercenary yourself. Adding Contracts would make it even more fun. You could assassinate a certain character and earn rewards for it.


Commanding an army should be optional. Like you could lead a squad of soldiers,kinda like OA. Its gotta have lone wolf stlyling too. I tend to lone it alot(leaving Bittercup and Dogmeat at home).

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