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Vampire body/head color mismatch (Can't figure it out or maybe I can?)


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So before I start to type a huge poem I am going to first put a picture to show the problem here:




As you can see usually the problem with the color mismatch was that the body was much lighter than the head, but for me it's the other way around.

Well so far I've noticed that I don't get this color mismatch with normal looking vampires only a little bit of neckseam, but that is just of my body/head texture mods and I'm fine with that.

As you can see from the picture this mismatching only appears to happen to these uglier looking vampires.

I have heard that the facegens are some how doing this or that the unofficial skyrim patch is causing this color problem with head and body. So if I understand correctly the problem isn't caused by my texture mods to player characters or npcs.

The thing is I'm not that good in modding/editing Skyrim that I could fix the problem by myself so that is why I'm asking help to fix this annoying problem because well... it is pretty noticeable for me atleast.


Cheers for the people who helps me to figure this problem out!! :blush:


ps. If you need my load order just ask and I screencap it :smile:

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you for your replay. I already tried that mod and it is the only one that works, but has a weird bug where vampire NPC wont move their mouths or any facial expressions when talking.

This is sad because is the only mod that worked well.

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