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Oblivion Expansion - Nehrim - At fate's edge


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I ... want ... this!


Unfortunately, this would require me to flip-flop between Oblivion and Nehrim right now, so it will have to wait. The world is stunning. The voice acting is superb, especially compared to the amateur voice acting we're used to in those few mods that even have it -- mostly it doesn't sound like the actors are reading their lines off a script for the very first time. Sadly, it's all in German and there appear to be no plans to redo the voice acting for the English-speaking world. I can read German, but my ability to understand rapidly-spoken German is minimal. You can get this with English subtitles, though, and that will make it a worthwhile acquisition for those of you don't understand German at all.


Note, for those of you who aren't familiar with the Nehrim project -- this is a complete make-over. It is not Oblivion, Morrowind, or even set in the Elder Scrolls universe. This is an entirely new game with brand-new content, even more professionally done than Morrowind or Oblivion. And it's absolutely free for the download.

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I don't know what you're sorry about, RavveN. I have nothing negative to say about Nehrim. From what I've seen and heard on the website, this game is sheer genius.


I do have a question, though. Is it possible for Nehrim to exist side-by-side with Oblivion or does it have to be a complete replacement? It would be awesome if all its files were segregated into one folder or if everything existed as a .bsa, .esm, and .esp so that there would be no data conflicts. If so, it should be easy to create a mod for Oblivion that simply opens a portal to Nehrim. It wouldn't even have to modify Cyrodiil -- just be a spell that, essentially, moves the PC to an appropriate entry point in Nehrim. Even a console command could do that. Other than that, I suppose it's possible to create two separate Data folders and then just manually rename them, depending upon which game you want to play ... a kludge, but it should work.


Still, I'm playing through with things in Cyrodiil right now, so it's going to be a bit before I can play Nehrim. I haven't even visited the Shivering Isles, yet.

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Still, I'm playing through with things in Cyrodiil right now, so it's going to be a bit before I can play Nehrim. I haven't even visited the Shivering Isles, yet.


Totally the same here, I'm still in cyrodiil doing quests and stuff, And i haven't started the shivering Isles yet and 30 hours have past

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Nehrim is a complete OVERHAUL, not an expansion(my apologies for shouting). Essentially it is a new game with a different world, skills, leveling-progression, etc...that uses the Oblivion engine. The devs state their love for the Gothic series, so it is not out of line to call it a Gothic-like with the Oblivion engine.
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Nehrim is a complete OVERHAUL, not an expansion(my apologies for shouting).

  • I think I said that.


Waiting for the russian version. They've wrote that it would be available in july or august. Today's 20th september...

  • As you discovered, it's supposed to already be available, but perhaps it was removed from downloading because of an issue they discovered. It's not exactly easy to translate from German to Russian (or from any language to Russian, I imagine) so be patient with them. They're trying very hard to reach the largest audience they can. In the meantime ... brush up on your German. I know I'm going to do just that and maybe I can dispense with the subtitles altogether.

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