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Better Cities Modularity



429 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use any of the separated cities/districts files?

    • Yes, I prefer to use only some cities / districts.
    • No, I don't use any of them.
  2. 2. Do you use either of the Full Cities and/or the Better Imperial City?

    • Absolutely, I prefer to use the merged files all the time.
    • Yes, but only one of them with some of the separated files.
    • No, I prefer to use only the separated files.
  3. 3. Would you prefer that we keep BC modular as it is?

    • Yes, I like to have the choice to use only the cities/districts I prefer to use.
    • I don't mind losing modularity for the Imperial City, but I prefer the choice for the other cities.
    • I don't mind losing modularity for the other cities, but I prefer the choice for the Imperial City.
    • No, I don't mind having only the merged files.

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I've cut out various parts from the following quotes to try to shrink them down just to the parts I'm responding to.


@ Vorians: Fair enough. I appreciate you giving it consideration. If you were to add it as an option I'm sure others would eventually appreciate the finished product as well.


@ Ismelda: You are brutally to the point...he he...but I can appreciate that also. Would you be more interested in the archers if someone else had already started the work for it? I found an abandoned mod for this very thing while browsing a few days ago...just had a few glitches the author had never finished working out. Might be of use.


I apologize if I'm being a bother. I just know that for ideas like this your team seems to be the only hope of making them a reality.


Best regards and thanks for listening.


We welcome sensible suggestions, as long as anything we outright reject doesn't get repeatedly suggested by the same person over and over :) Can you really see guards walking along the IC wall tops from the Districts when you put them there? The battlements are rather high.


Now, seeing that my primary concern with BC is the performance hit on my computer, I have another question. I don't know how much in the way of custom textures you use, but do you offer alternate lower resolution textures for systems that just can't handle medium and high resolution textures? That doesn't actually seem to be a problem with my machine (I think my problem is more related to polygon count than texture size), but it's certainly a consideration for many people with less than state-of-the-art graphics cards.


The majority of textures provided with BC are from other modder's resources, so whatever resolution their textures are, that's what we used. BC does not replace any vanilla textures (B&M does, but BC doesn't), so if there's a low-res texture replacer pack for the vanilla game, try that. It's the best I can suggest.


I agree that the future of Better Cities should see lots of other mods continue to be incoporated into the main files so that they can be used without conflict. I was always under the impression that this was the point of the whole project anyway.


No, the point of this whole project was to provide English translations of these excellent German Better Cities mods, all in one packages. After that, we just sort of... expanded... We cannot incorporate any mod without permission from the modder if they're still active, or if their readme explicitly denies permission if they're inactive. Also if we ourselves don't want the mod, we won't include it.


White gold tower:

It still does not really look like an emperor palace for whole Tamriel. The interior could be for a simple landlord.



Well, for me the gore and the poorness of it seems also overdone. I do not mind crowded, it fits, but I think it should be more Nord-like. Maybe more hints, relict to that culture or a mead hall just a little bit under and around the area of the castle, etc...

The "icy waterfall" looks more like a rivulet, also I consider this wall side of Bruma very nice done.


Also Ferryt and mhahn123 have good points in regards of houses of death NPC, for example Umbacano Manor, after the quest. There is a small mod actually to make that possible but it would be great such a possibility would incorporated in BBC.

I am also using Enhanced Economy taxing the houses. It is really more realistic.


I agree that the future of Better Cities should see lots of other mods continue to be incoporated into the main files so that they can be used without conflict. ...


He got it right. Foremost I also vote for stability with highest compatibility and incorporating more other mods in the main files. This will also save some slots :tongue:


White Gold Tower - you're talking about the interior to a vanilla building, we do our best not to make edits to vanilla interiors unless really necessary. There are other mods which overhaul the tower interior.


Bruma - the gore in the worldspace can be toggled off.


I doubt we'll consider making NPC houses available for the player to move into, other mods must do this surely?

You want us to add more mods to BC too? What mods? Should I really have asked that?



... but the setup I wish for involves most of the Better Cities including Blood&Mud Bravil, plus Leyawiin Reborn, and RedBag's Imperial City Pack. ...



A mixture of BBC and some aspects from RedBag´s Imperial City Pack like Arena Gladiators , Arboretum, Waterfront district and Market district exterior as well as some aspects of Leyawiin Reborn that would be great :woot:


You want Better Cities: Leyawiin Reborn?! You crazy people!

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I have always admired the people that where/are behind this beautiful project. I've used the mod over the years to and it's simply amazing, a must have. Even if I had some FPS problems in certain areas, it was still worth having it. To be honest I don't realy care if you keep it's modules or not, but I would realy like if you could integrate other mods that edit towns. I noticed that you've released many patches to make it compatible with many other mods, so instead of patches you could simply integrate such mods and by doing so you'll save some slots and avoid having to many patches. It always took me hours to finish the installation, becouse there many readmes to look at and a lot of information.






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White Gold Tower - you're talking about the interior to a vanilla building, we do our best not to make edits to vanilla interiors unless really necessary. There are other mods which overhaul the tower interior.


Sorry, did not think about that :rolleyes: . You are right.


... Bruma - the gore in the worldspace can be toggled off.


Yes, but for my taste it is still to messy. :yucky: Not the picture I have of Nord.


...I doubt we'll consider making NPC houses available for the player to move into, other mods must do this surely?


Well I think I can live with it :wink: .


... You want us to add more mods to BC too? What mods? Should I really have asked that?



Here a few mods I think would be nice to add, also many in different places/shops/especially adjusted for BBC/only parts or just mods I think the idea itself is great and could be used to similar features in BBC:


- Natural History Museum (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7593)

- Imperial Museum by Yan (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15460)

- Dwemer Museum (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22732)

- Brew House (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6454)

- Valentines Day Gift (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9111)

- Love Suite Room (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17212)

- Tchos Breakfast Food (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20526)

- The Temple of Serpent Race (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21059)

- Imperial Furniture Renovated (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33996)

- Bank of Cyrodiil Add-on (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26352)

- Tamriel Snacks (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20105)

- Oblivion Wine Overhaul (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16817)

- Oblivion Farmers Market (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23314)

- One Stop Armors (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19058)

- RedBag's Imperial City Pack (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22726)

- Clintmichs Beautiful Elven Gardens District (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30088)

- V1nc Real Elven Garden (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31186)

- Night Shops of Cyrodiil (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16016)

- Clintmichs Market District Merchants (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30746)



Enough for now? :biggrin:


...You want Better Cities: Leyawiin Reborn?! You crazy people!


Well the mixture makes it! :happy:


Thanks for reading, considering and answering our posts.

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Your Brew House link is outdated. Here's the latest version.


Ups, :rolleyes: . Thank you.



By the way, it would also be very nice, when there were other guilds beside the Mage one in IC. Maybe the fighter in arena district, blades in Talus, ...

There are also a couple of other guilt mods out there, to get at least ideas ... :laugh:


- BladesMod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21227

- Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30568

- Return of Shadows Chapter I http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29087

- SoTs The Order Of Nibenay http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8798



I would like to restrict my suggestions more, but I am not sure were you guys want to go, what is possible to realize and what not, what is to difficult ...

You have my full trust. :thumbsup:

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How can no one use the separate esp in the first and second questions (which is coherent) but yet answer they prefer to keep them as they prefer to use them in the last one? (where the logic get kicked in the nuts).


Didn't you ask the questions that way in order to see who was reading carefully?

I voted for merging.

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We welcome sensible suggestions, as long as anything we outright reject doesn't get repeatedly suggested by the same person over and over Can you really see guards walking along the IC wall tops from the Districts when you put them there? The battlements are rather high.


@ Vorians: Ok I got the point. Guess I did beat that dead horse a little too much. You won't hear anymore about it from me. What do you think about possibly adding a few external guards at the gate entrances? Think about it...when you cross Talos Bridge, no guards. Enter the IC near the stables..no guards outside the gates. Go to prison or Arcane University, no guards outside the gates. Waterfront has a few guards thanks to your use of the tunnel mod, but mainly in the tunnel. Just seems like the other city entrances could use some attention in that area.

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1: I use all the cities merged.


2: I use modular BCIC because I have 300 Arcane University and Dirtier Waterfront, which I vastly prefer to the BC versions (sorry guys).


Hearing about OBC making a comeback is kinda cool; I used to use it, but the FPS hit/crashing problems made me give up and go to straight Better Cities. I've found that a short load time at the gates isn't that immersion-breaking, and it's definitely worth the stability.

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@ Vorians: You are correct, the question is relevant. Tell you what....I am away from home right now, but when I return I on Monday will test it to find out. Using console cheats I will place my character on a section of wall and find out how well he can be seen from various points. I am already willing to concede the point that Ismelda and yourself may very well be right on the visibility issue.


I do have a habit of getting little ideas and running full steam ahead with them :tongue: . But testing the theory can't hurt. As previously stated I look forward to any additions you do choose to make. On another note it's sad to see the relatively low number of posts on here. Would have thought such a popular mod would receive many more responses.

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