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Create a weapon script to instantly kill when stealthed


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I'm trying to make a script for a custom weapon to instantly kill someone when you are stealthed and sneak attacking them from behind. It's meant as an assasin dagger to kill instantly from behind when unnoticed because I'm tired of people surviving getting stabbed in the back with a sword.


I haven't got too much experience with scripting, so so far I've come up with something that won't compile. =/


ScriptName InstantDeath

Begin OnHit Kill ActorId (optional)



Any help would be appreciated. :)

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we hav to be able to do it Spinter Cell style, or else ur goin to hav to do the multipllier. or....damn i forgot
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If you want a weapon to kill instantly when stealthed you could do the following:


Create the following script in the construction set (make sure the script is a magical effect; you can select this in the upper right corner):


SCN instantdeath


short playerdetected


Begin GameMode


if ( GetDetected player )








Once you have created the script you have to create an enchantment. You then have to add a scripted effect to the enchantment (it's in the effect list). Use the script you just created. Then you have to add the enchantment to the weapon you want to give the instant sneak kill.


If you want to kill essential caracters too you can change the part of the script in between else and endif (kill) with the following:

if IsEssential

SetEssential 0





Be aware that you will break quests when you use this.

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