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Create a weapon script to instantly kill when stealthed


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Løve == Lion? Nice to see a familiar name :)


Reworked the script from above.

Create an effect, enchantment, whatever. Follow the steps above.

Add this script:

Scriptname sneakinstantdead

short playerdetected
; Should the victim count as a suicide? If yes, remove all quotes with a 
; =) In front. (Like the one below). And delete all lines with a =( in front.
; =) ref letscommitsuicide

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if ( GetDetected player )
set letscommitsuicide to GetSelf
kill player
; The player killed the victim. No cheating.
; =) kill letscommitsuicide
; The actor killed himself. It's true :)



This will only kill un-essential NPCs. Not those with crown-cursors...

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You forgot to remove the ; (which means "leave this out".)

Scriptname sneakinstantdead

short playerdetected
ref HEdidIt

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if ( GetDetected player )
set HEdidIt to GetSelf
kill HEdidIt
; The actor killed himself. It's true :)


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It's probably my lazy code that doesn't work.

This is not a working script. I'll come up with one as soon as I get my DirectX fixes. (for running the CS)

Then I'll be doing a mod for cryocry, fixing one of my earlier scripts for WarKirby, a spyglass, a flying ship, a large project with some world editing and a lot of new game features (maybe the spyglass will be included here, maybe I'll save it for later and just play with it for myself. Do a spyglass fit in the backpack of a legionnaire? I'm doing one of these as well. Shovels, bridge-building kits, tents and bedrolls.)


When I'm done with all this, I'm doing a moon for moonwalking, a bowling stage for evil people, an Alkatraz-like prison and -- last -- a bunch of other things. Pyyh.


Well, here goes the thing that many modders seem to have seen as impossible with sneak-attacks: GetDetected _AFTER_ the player hit.

ScriptName DeathOnSneakSnippet
; Some of the credit belongs to me? Well, mention GBHis in your list!
short lastsneak
ref victim

Begin Gamemode
if (player.isactordetected == 0)
; use player.getdetected *NPC* for checking with a special/unique NPC.
set lastsneak to 1
set lastsneak to 0

Begin OnHit (fictional block)
if (lastsneak == 1)
;Do über sneak-attack-damage
;Do normal damage

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