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Mod Manager won't install Fallout Wanderers Edition


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I decided to do a completely fresh installation of Fallout 3, as I had just too many conflicting mods, etc.


However, for some reason, Fallout Mod Manager (the latest version) will not install Fallout Wanderers Edition (latest edition) - which of course is the most important mod of them all (indeed, I cannot imagine playing without it). FOMM says "oops" etc and that "extension 'fomod' is not a supported archive file name extension'" and that is that - no matter whether I select 'create from folder', 'add FMOD' or whatevr. Well, it's never done that before! Any idea why? I am using the GOTY version of Fallout and, yes, I have FSOE installed as well. No other mods are currently installed apart from CASM and DarNified UI.


Any help would be most appreciated :biggrin:




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