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SkyUI papyrus error code 4


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Read the sticky post on the SkyUI page. It has a link to the official instructions about what to do.


You might have the archive invalidation setting turned which can keep SkyUI from seeing the SKSE script functions it needs.


You could also have made some really bad tweaks to your INI settings and if so you should just delete the entire Papyrus section from your INI.


There are many guides claiming to improve performance by changing the Papyrus INI settings, but they have things backwards. Raising any of the values in the Papyrus section just lets the scripting part of the game consume more resources. Raising values will make load screens take longer, lower your overall frame rate, and allow the scripts to take away memory from the other parts of the game (AI, cells cached in memory so when you go back the load screens don't take as long, limiting how many higher resolution textures you can use, etc.) Unless you know you're having problems with scripts not getting enough resources, don't change any of those settings!

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